In August the planting season slowly comes to an end. But there are also flowers that should be in the ground right now. What bulbs to plant in August? And what should you take into account?
Flower bulbs are planted in autumn – that is clear to most hobby gardeners. But does this apply to all bulb flowers? Of course not. This is a common misconception: most people's flower bulbsSpring bloomersare planted in the fall. But there are many other bulb flowers that bloom in summer and fall, namelyplanted at another timemust be. Here you will find five flower bulbs that you can plant in August.
Planting flower bulbs in August: 5 beautiful types
If you want a beautiful, blooming garden, you have a lot to do outside. Especially when planting, the requirements of the individual plants should be met, otherwise you will be surprised later about the missing flowers.
In addition to being planted in the right location, flowers must also be planted at the right time, otherwise the flowers may fail. A lot of patience is required, especially with bulb flowers, as they usually only develop their beauty after a few months. Nevertheless, it is worth planting a few flower bulbs in the garden or in pots, as they sprout automatically at the right time after planting and are considered easy to care for.
The planting time for most flower bulbs begins in September. If you are impatient or really want some of the following flowers in your garden, you can plant the bulbs now. In late summer there are, among other things, the autumn crocus, as well as some crocus and lily species.
Plant autumn bloomers in late summer: the autumn crocus
If you plant flower bulbs in August, the autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnal) definitely on the must-have list. After most of the summer flowers have faded, their blooming period begins and the pink to purple flowers beautify the autumn garden like a colorful carpet of flowers.
Autumn crocus thrives in a sunny to semi-shady location, with the amount of sunlight determining the number of flowers. Furthermore, the location should be warm and protected from wind and offer nutrient-rich, well-drained soil.
August is the ideal planting time because the tuber plant is currently in its dormant period. Place the tubers about 10 to 20 cm deep in the soil. The following applies: if the soil is dry, plant a little deeper. The optimal distance between tubers is 20 cm. In the year after flowering, the tubers die, but additional daughter tubers form from them, which need the extra space. Water the soil thoroughly after planting. If you plant the autumn crocus flower bulbs in August, it will take four to six weeks for them to bloom.
Danger!Please note that the autumn crocus is poisonous to both humans and animals. There is a risk of confusion with the leaves of wild garlic, which grow at the same time and in the same location. To distinguish between the two, look for the smell: wild garlic leaves have a strong garlic aroma when crushed, while the autumn crocus leaves have no smell. The autumn crocus also looks very similar to some crocus species, in contrast to the autumn flowering plant, the leaves and flowers never appear at the same time.
A valuable flower: the saffron crocus
Der Saffron-Crocus (Crocus sativus) is one of the most beautiful autumn crocuses and is known for producing the most expensive spice in the world. The autumn bloomer is still planted as an underplant for shrubs with yellow or red autumn leaves to create a beautiful ensemble in early autumn. To do this, choose a location that is as sunny as possible, preferably in a rock garden. The plant also thrives in partial shade, but produces significantly fewer flowers there.
From the beginning of August you can plant the saffron crocus tubers in the ground. To do this, first measure a planting hole approx. 7 to 10 cm deep. Place several tubers in groups with at least 10 cm between them. If necessary, place some building sand underneath as drainage. The first purple flowers with their long orange-red threads open from mid-October. You can harvest and dry these in October.
The yellow-flowering gold crocus
Also known under the names thunderflower, autumn goldcup and starbergie, the gold crocus (Sternbergia lutea) beautiful accents in the autumn garden. The plant looks similar to the autumn crocus, but in contrast the leaves appear together with the flowers. In addition, Sternbergie is the only yellow bulb flower that blooms in late summer and fall. If conditions are favorable, the golden crocus will bloom the same year it is planted, and it takes about 6 weeks until flowering.
Plant the gold crocus in a sunny location in August, ideally in a rock garden. Place the bulbs or tubers about 6 to 10 cm deep in the soil at a distance of about 10 cm. The yellow flowers open in September or October depending on the planting time.
Plant summer bloomers in August: the Madonna lily
Lilies are one of the easy-care garden flowers that can beautify the garden for years. The flower bulbs remain in the ground and enrich the garden with impressive flowers every year when they bloom. What many people don't know is that lilies are bulbous plants. And as such they have to go into the ground at the right time. For most lily species, the general planting times are from September to March. There are two exceptions, including the white Madonna lily (A white lily).
In contrast to the other summer bloomers, the flower bulbs of the Madonna lily are planted in August of the previous year. They need almost a year to grow and show their magnificent flowers next June and July. The right location is sunny, but somewhat protected from the blazing midday sun.
Lilies like well-drained, humus-rich, alkaline or slightly acidic soil that does not encourage waterlogging in winter. When planting, drainage made of sand or grit would be advisable. The white flower bulbs of the Madonna lily should be planted flat at a distance of 30 to 50 centimeters so that the tips are just covered with soil. A planting hole of 5 cm is sufficient. Fill it well so that a depression does not form and collect rainwater.
All types of lilies are suitable for planting both in beds and in pots.
Plant the impressive Turkish lily
The other lily whose best time to plant is in August is the Turk's-cuff lily (Lily of the valley). This native lily species is known for its nodding flowers that are shaped like a turban. The plant can produce up to 40 flowers per stem, but on average there are around 20.
The fragrant plant prefers a location in partial shade where the soil is loose, nutrient-rich and slightly calcareous. The flower bulbs are planted about 30 cm deep in the soil, on a drainage layer of gravel and sand and a layer of rotted compost. The distance between the individual bulbs should be about 10 cm. Fill the planting hole well with soil so that no hollow forms and water collects. The interestingly shaped flowers appear next June.
Also read:What flowers can you plant in August?