Updated on May 8, 2024
Perennials that grow under trees have to withstand drought, light deprivation and root competition. No wonder that only a few plant species can thrive there. We have already given you some ideas about what you can plant around a tree and which shrubs grow well under trees. Now we will explain to you which ground cover plants grow under trees.
What you need to consider when planting under
Many hobby gardeners fail when it comes to underplanting trees. On the one hand it is due to the plant species, and on the other hand it is due to the lack of care. People often turn to perennials for shade that cannot cope with the extreme conditions around the tree. Others opt for young plants from the garden center. They often have the potential, but need care for at least the first year. Since the area under the tree is often difficult to access and the soil is heavily rooted, most people are unable to apply fertilizer or water the plants. So what should you do to increase the ground cover plants' chances of survival?
1. First create a planting plan and mark the lighting conditions in each location.
2. Weed and remove weedsunder the tree. All types of weeds can crowd out the ground cover and should therefore be eliminated using natural means. Chemicals have no place here because they will pollute the ground and underwater.
3. Loosen the soil - be very careful with the spade so as not to damage the roots.
4. Before planting, fill a bucket with water and add the young plants to the water. It should completely cover the roots. Leave them in the water for about half an hour so that they can soak up.
5. Place the ground cover plants in the ground at a distance from each other. Also leave a distance to the trunk - ideally this should be 20 cm. Water, add fertilizer and cover the plants with a finger-thick layer of mulch.
Some species have adapted well to the conditions
The choice of plants plays a crucial role. Choosebest ground cover, which also occupy the same place in nature, i.e. under a tree. They don't mind the extreme conditions because they have successfully adapted to them. However, if a ground cover plant grows under a tree, that does not automatically mean that it will also feel at home in the home garden. Other factors include, for example, how dense the tree canopy is and how strong the shading is, or whether the area is accessed more often or very rarely.
Which ground cover plants grow under trees? 10 easy-care plant species
If you want to underplant trees, the following tips can help you:
- When choosing ground cover, consider important factors such as location, soil and light incidence.
- Bet on onePlanting combination of ground cover, perennials and flowers. Not only does it look better, but it also forgives mistakes.
- Plant ground cover for partial shade and light shade under young trees and ground cover for shade under old trees.
- The best time to plant is in September, before the first frost. Since it then rains more often, watering may be canceled.
- Young plants will adapt faster and better to the terrain conditions.
- A layer of mulch protects the ground cover from frost in winter, prevents water from evaporating quickly in summer and provides the plants with important nutrients.
Lungwort is a flowering ground cover that produces purple and pink flowers in spring. Even after the flowering period, some varieties attract attention with their spotted leaves. The perennial is perfect for planting under deciduous trees as it produces its flowers before they sprout. This means it can enjoy full sun or light shade in spring. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging, so a location around the tree is optimal. In the summer months, when the heat continues, you can water the plant.
Small evergreen
The small periwinkle thrives best in sun and light shade. But locations in the partial shade of a conifer are also suitable for planting with the ground cover. Before you plant the plants, you can add some compost to the hole. Because the small periwinkle prefers humus-rich soil. Mulch the tree disc to provide the ground cover with nutrients. The small periwinkle can cope with moderately dry soil; you should water it during longer periods of heat in summer.
The creeping heather juniper spreads very slowly and reaches a maximum height of 60 cm. It is therefore primarily used as a solitary plant under trees in the Japanese garden. The ground cover prefers a location in the sun or partial shade. If you take good care of it, it will thank you with black-brown cones that turn it into a real eye-catcher.
Fat man
The fat man is a ground cover that is perfect for planting under trees. Since it thrives best in partial or full shade, it is ideal for large and old trees with a sprawling crown. However, the plant cannot tolerate drought well. Therefore, you should either water the area under the tree or install a tree irrigation system.
Kriechender Günsel
The creeping Günsel is a flowering ground cover that is popular with hobby gardeners for its rapid spread. The special thing about the creeping Günsel is its long inflorescences. The dark purple flowers make even dreary niches and shady corners in the garden shine. The ground cover is a popular planting partner for the Himalayan birch and has similar requirements for the soil (moderately moist, neutral) and the location (sun to partial shade). Since the birch grows very slowly and has a loose crown, the creeping Günsel is a good choice.
The elf flower is a fast-growing, carpet-forming ground cover. It is known for its large leaves. In spring and summer they have a bright green color, in autumn they turn golden brown. Therefore, the perennial is very attractive even in the cold season. The elf flower is suitable for planting on the edge of the tree.
Greedweed can be found naturally in deciduous forests. The wild plant thrives in the shade of tall trees. The “Variagata” variety is fast growing and spreads quickly in the home garden. However, this poses a challenge for most hobby gardeners because if its spread is not checked, it can inhibit the growth of other plants. If you want to prevent its spread, you have to dig up and cut off the underground rhizomes. It is used as a ground cover in natural gardens and is combined with other native plants.
The caladium is a foliage shrub native to South America. In nature it grows around trees in rainforests, so the plant prefers warm weather and high humidity. It is not winter hardy. When the leaves fall in autumn, the tubers must be dug up together with sufficient soil, planted in pots and overwintered in a greenhouse or in a room with room temperature above 15 degrees Celsius. The effort pays off because in spring the plant thanks you with large, very decorative leaves in green and pink.
Plant hostas under conifers
Hostas are shade-tolerant plants. There is a wide range of varieties that cope well with dry soil and root competition. However, the perennial needs a lot of care, at least in the beginning. The conifers have a lot of roots that extract all the nutrients and water from the soil. Therefore, you should water the area around the roots of each hosta daily. Before planting the area under the tree, spread a 15 cm layer of soil mixed with fertilizer.
Foam blossom
The foam flower thrives best in partial shade and shade. It needs moderately moist soil, so you should water the area around the tree regularly. You do not need to fertilize the flowering ground cover because the fallen leaves can replace the fertilizer.
Plant ground cover under trees for shady locations: violets
The violet feels particularly comfortable in partial or light shade. Therefore it does well under deciduous trees. A location on the edge of the woods proves to be perfect, where the plant receives sufficient midday sun in spring and is protected from the strong rays of the sun by the dense tree crown in summer. However, the violet cannot tolerate dry soil well. Therefore, it should be watered once a day, preferably in the evening before sunset.