The shower glass should be cleaned regularly because if deposits have formed, they will be more difficult to remove later. Find out here how to clean your glass shower cubicle, which home remedies are suitable and how often you should clean it!
When cleaning a glass enclosure, there are some tips and tricks you should keep in mind to keep your shower enclosure looking as good as new. Regular cleaning is very important so that dirt and foam do not accumulate excessively on the surface. Preventative measures also play a major role in keeping glass surfaces clean. We will address all of these questions below.
The most common cleaning method is using vinegar and dishwashing detergent
The easiest way to clean your glass shower enclosure is to use vinegar and dishwashing detergent. What you need:
- Distilled white vinegar
- Water
- Dishwashing detergent
- spray bottle
- sponge
- Microfiber cloth
You can clean your glass shower stall with vinegar by making a simple cleaning mixture. Add equal parts distilled white vinegar and water to a spray bottle. Then add 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent to the spray bottle and spray the solution onto the shower door. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Then wipe with a microfiber cloth. Then rinse and polish dry.
Use suitable home remedies for cleaning
There are some home remedies that have been proven effective for cleaning glass surfaces. Here we provide the most common remedies that you can try, as well as tips on how to make the cleaning mixtures yourself. When you clean the glass shower stall with home remedies, you avoid harsh chemicals that could be harmful to your health.
Clean the glass shower cubicle with salt and citrus fruits
This is a natural way to clean a shower wall and it is very easy. You need a fresh lemon or grapefruit. If you don't like the strong smell of vinegar, this is for you. The citric acid will cut through the dirt just like the vinegar would, while the salt will provide the abrasive power needed to remove any nasty messes.
What you need:
- Salt
- Lemon/grapefruit
Cleaning instructions:
- Cut a lemon/grapefruit in half and cover with table salt.
- Scrub the shower wall thoroughly by squeezing it well to release the juice. Add salt until you have scrubbed all surfaces.
- Rinse and you're done!
Vinegar and baking soda for deep cleaning
You can clean the glass shower cubicle with baking soda. The combination of vinegar and baking soda is simple and effective for a thorough cleaning. Baking soda can dissolve thick soap scum and limescale and acts as an abrasive.
What you need:
- Vinegar
- baking powder
- sponge
How to proceed:
- Moisten a sponge well and sprinkle baking soda on it. Scrub the glass gently.
- Let the ingredients sit for a few minutes and then rinse well. This is how you get shiny surfaces.
Eucalyptus oil for stubborn stains
Eucalyptus oil is a natural, antibacterial and disinfectant. Therefore, it is ideal for cleaning the bathroom! If soap scum has been on the surface for a long timeGlass surface of the shower cubicleSpraying the glass with eucalyptus oil will help remove the foam more easily. It also has a pleasant smell, which can be a big advantage.
What you need:
- 1 cup distilled water
- 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
- 1/4 cup white vinegar
- 1 capful of eucalyptus oil
- Clean spray bottle
How to do the cleaning:
Simply spray the shower stall thoroughly with the mixture of the above ingredients. Leave for a few minutes and then wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth. It's that easy to clean a glass shower cubicle.
Dryer sheets for cleaning glass surfaces
Don't throw away the used and unnecessary dryer sheets, keep using them. They can help eliminate soap scum.
What you need:
- Dryer sheets
- sponge
- Einmachglas
- Vinegar
How to use the dryer sheets:
Simply wet the dryer sheet and use it to clean your glass door. Rinse with warm water and go over it again with a sponge if necessary.
Note: You can store any used dryer sheets in a jar with a few drops of water or vinegar.
How often to clean the shower stall
You can treat your shower weekly with the vinegar solution and suchkeep the shower cubicle clean. The best way to keep your glass enclosure spotless is to wipe away the water with a squeegee after every shower. In addition to removing water, a squeegee can also eliminate mold and mildew.
Prevention is better than cure
Keeping your shower stall clean and not allowing too much foam and dirt to accumulate on the surface will save you from excessive effort. After each shower, wipe glass surfaces with a squeegee to remove as much water from the glass as possible, taking soap residue with it. Applying a spray of alcohol, tea tree oil, and water to the glass surface will further dry and clean the glass.