The 7 most important gardening tasks in September: tasks for a well-kept garden and a good harvest

September is a month of reflection after the end of summer and the completion of the active growing season in the garden. However, there are still garden tasks to do this month. In this article we will look at the 7 most important gardening tasks in September.

Gardeners want to enjoy the beauty and fertility of the garden for as long as possible. Therefore, you should still take care of the garden until the weather warms up. And there are so many fun things to do outside in the fall! Now you can enjoy the results of your months of effort in the garden and help your plants thrive for a while to come.

Add nutrients to the soil

In September most of the garden beds have already been cleared and people start tidying up the garden. Don't forget to nourish the soil. If you want a beautiful, healthy garden that has a head start next spring, fertilize the soil now with an organic fertilizer. It is best to use well-rotted compost or manure. Lay the material on the surface or bury it. It is advisable to add compost when the soil has been moistened by rain. This makes it easier for it to penetrate and improve the soil.

The time of harvest is here

What garden work to do in September? Now most fruits and vegetables are ripe. Harvest them and store them in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place. Or you can freeze, dry, or can certain amounts so you can enjoy the healthy benefits for longer. Harvest in stages by checking the ripeness of different fruits and vegetables.

What can you harvest in September? Of the vegetables you can harvest: beans, carrots, chilies, Chinese cabbage, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, melons, okra, peas, pumpkins, turnips, summer squash, tomatoes, turnips, zucchini. And of the fruit varieties you can harvest apples, blackberries, blueberries, figs, nectarines, peaches, pears and plums.

Note: Be sure to complete harvest before the first frost.

What else to sow in September

Now is the time to sow spring crops such as spinach, celery, carrots, onions, arugula, beets. Prepare the beds properly by fortifying the soil with nutrients. Ensure good drainage so the seeds receive consistent moisture. Sow on a sunny, warm day and water the seeds sufficiently. Avoid sowing if frost comes in the next few days.

Lawn care in the fall is essential

To ensure you can enjoy your lawn for a long time and keep it healthy, you need to care for it in the fall. Fallen leaves must be raked up and removed from the lawn. If left on the lawn, they can cause pests and diseases.

Until the grass grows, you should mow it to keep it healthy. Weekly mowing is part of September gardening chores to keep your grass well cared for. Scarify the lawn in the fall to remove dead grass and debris.

Secure your garden against winter conditions

The security of thePlants in the gardenshould be one of the most important tasks in autumn, because all plants must be well prepared to survive the winter. Young and newly planted trees need to be supported, older trees should also be checked regularly and if you spot weak branches, you should reinforce or remove them.

Properly secure climbing plants and vines to their trellises. Tender plants that cannot withstand winter temperatures need to be protected by covering them with fleece and bubble wrap. Also use it to insulate outdoor pots and planters.

Check your garden fences and make sure they are sturdy. The safety of the greenhouse should also be ensured. Add more parentheses if necessary. Create wind protection in the garden to secure your outdoor area and make it appear more comfortable.

The 7 most important gardening tasks in September: Planting bulb flowers

Bulb flowers need to be planted in September so that they begin to bloom in spring. Why do you plant bulbs in the fall that bloom in the spring? These spring beauties are so-called “sleeping perennials” and they need the cool, moist fall soil to awaken from their dormancy. So they start preparing for spring.

In the garden or in containers, if you plant them now you will have a bloom of fresh and colorful flowers in spring. Choose between snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, anemones, tulips, hyacinths, imperial crowns. Plant the bulbs in good potting soil to provide them with enough nutrients.

Dividing perennials in fall

September is the perfect time to divide your perennials. Here's how to tidy them up and multiply them at the same time so you have more next yearBlooms in the gardencan enjoy. It is best to divide your plants on a calm, cloudy day when wind and sun will not dry out the roots. Be careful when cutting the roots so you don't damage them. Add some compost or bone meal to the soil to provide nutrients to the roots over the winter.

Which perennials to divide in autumn? Divide astilbe, bleeding heart, daylilies, Japanese iris, peonies, shrub veronica.

Also read:7 important gardening tasks in November: What still needs to be done in late autumn