When to plant clematis? The right time ensures lush flowering in the first year

Hardy climbing plants like clematis are a wonderful addition to any garden. But when should you plant clematis and what should you pay attention to?

There is hardly anyone who doesn't know the beautiful clematis. Still known as clematis, this climbing plant beautifies walls, arbors and trellises with its lush floral flora. If you want to enjoy the beautiful flowers next year, you should plant the clematis now. Read more about the right time and our useful tips for planting.

When it comes to perennial plants, people often wonder about the right time to plant them. As a rule, most of them can be planted in both spring and autumn. This is because the plants root more easily at this time because their linear growth is reduced.

However, when it comes to clematis, autumn planting, or more precisely late summer planting, is preferable. At the end of August or beginning of September, the soil temperature is between 15 and 23 degrees, which is optimal for root growth. In addition, the clematis will enchant with its beautiful flowers in the first year if it is planted in late summer instead of spring.

Planting clematis correctly: this is how it works

Well, if you already know that now is the right time to plant, you can roll up your sleeves and get started. Here are all the main steps you should follow when planting clematis.

Choose the appropriate type

First, it is important to choose a type that suits your needs. The different species differ in flowering time and vigor. There are also numerous varieties that bloom in almost all colors. It would be best if you got advice from the garden center before buying your new clematis. Here is an overview of some of the best-known species and varieties:

  • Berg-Waldrebe(Clematis montana): Also called anemone clematis, this species has a vigorous growth of up to three meters per year and can reach a total height of up to 10 meters. The countless flowers appear between May and June and are usually white or pink in color. Popular varieties include: 'Rubens' – pink flowering, very vigorous and fast growing, 'Freda' in deep pink and 'Wilsonii' with white flowers.
  • Alpen-Waldrebe(Clematis alpina): A robust type of clematis that is very easy to care for. The flowering period is from May to June and the flowers are small. This clematis can also grow creeping. Beautiful varieties are: 'Ruby'with burgundy flowers,'Willy' with white-pink flowers and 'Pamela Jackman’ in Blauviolett.
  • The Clematis Hybridare known for their large flowers with beautiful flower colors and their long flowering period. Most varieties grow very quickly and can grow wonderfully over fences, walls and pergolas. Some of the most popular varieties are 'Nelly Moser' – pink-red striped flowers, 'Summer Snow'has fragrant, white flowers with a golden center,'Madama La Coultre' also blooms in white and 'The President' enchants with a deep blue-violet flower color (picture above).
  • Italian clematis(Clematis viticella): This species has a profuse display of flowers that illuminates the garden from June to September. The Italian clematis is very robust and less susceptible to disease. Among the most beautiful varieties are 'Violet Star'with violet flowers,'Mme Julia Correvon'in crimson,'Prince Charles'in light blue and the two-tone'Minuet' in white and magenta.
  • Evergreen clematis(Clematis armandii): An evergreen species of clematis that blooms in pink and white in spring from March to May. The most popular variety 'Apple Blossom' exudes a wonderful scent and can also spread as a ground cover.

The right location

Clematis grow best in a sunny location, although the base of the plant should be in the shade. Therefore, sunny to semi-shady places such as house walls, walls and pergolas facing east or west are best. Make sure that at least the lower 30 centimeters of the plant do not receive any sun. You can do this toosome plants as underplantinguse. Since clematis is a climbing plant, you can also plant it in the garden on a climbing obelisk under a tall tree with a light crown.

In which soil should the clematis be planted?

The soil in which you plant your clematis must be rich in humus and loose. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging, so if the soil is heavy, a deep hole with 10 cm of sand is required at the bottom. Mix the excavated garden soil with compost, sand and good potting soil. The soil should be slightly calcareous, but not too acidic. A pH value of 5.5 to 6 would be optimal.

Planting instructions step by step

  • Prepare the root ball: Dip the clematis and pot into a bucket of water to moisten the soil. Then carefully remove the plant from the pot without tearing off the sensitive shoots.
  • Dig a planting hole: Dig a planting hole approx. 40 cm deep so that the entire root ball is underground after planting. Sprinkle some grit into the hole for drainage. Mix the excavated material with mature compost and a handful of horn shavings.
  • Insert clematis: Place the plant in the hole and fill with the enriched soil. Make sure that the bottom two pairs of eyes should go into the ground. Lightly press the soil on the surface.
  • Watering and mulching: Water the newly planted clematis thoroughly with water and apply a 10 cm layer of mulch to protect the root area.

Plan for climbing assistance

Most clematis species need climbing support in order to grow taller. Wooden trellises are best suited because they have a constant temperature and create a harmonious overall appearance. If the clematis climbs a tree, you can loosely cover the tree trunk with wire mesh so that the leaf tendrils can find support. We provide further tips and ideas for homemade climbing aids for clematisin this articlebefore.

Planting clematis in a pot: This is important to note

Clematis varieties that don't grow too tall can also be planted in pots. However, the planter must have a soil volume of at least 20 liters so that the roots can grow well and the plant has a secure footing. Good drainage is also important. The bucket should have drainage holes and a layer of expanded clay should be applied to the bottom to prevent waterlogging. How can you plant clematis in a pot, which soil is needed and which plants are suitable as underplanting,find out here.

Conclusion: Plant clematis in late summer for long-lasting blooms

The clematis is a real asset to any garden and can beautify even unsightly areas such as walls and walls. Late summer between late August and mid-September is the ideal planting time for clematis because the soil temperature is high enough to promote root growth. Choose a partially shaded spot for your new clematis, where the upper part of the plant gets some sun and the base is in the shade. Plant the plant now so that it will delight the eye with its splendor of flowers next year.

Also read:Which fertilizer for clematis? Naturally healthy climbing plants