When we talk about life on earth, we usually talk about the sea, the air and the land. The soil with its millions upon millions of living beings is forgotten. Their presence is irreplaceable, would be with the absence of the microorganisms andmicrobesevery landscape first becomes deserted and then falls into devastation. This has already happened in many areas. Deforestation and monocultivation have also led to soil impoverishmentEntry fromherbicides and pesticides. In horticulture and agriculture, this unspeakable cycle closes when all kinds of fertilizers are used to try to get the last bit of productivity out of the depleted soil.
There issimplify the method, which are cheaper and are ecologically correctly classified. So-called microorganisms are required for healthy soil life. These ensure the necessary turnover of substances so that plants, nutrients and soil particles combine into a symbiosis to promote rapid and healthy growth of flowers, perennials and trees. And so successful gardeners enrich the impoverished soils with solutions that are naturally based on...Multi-powerbe produced. The products of the Austrian pioneers for sustainable agriculture contain all the necessary bacteria, spores and yeast cultures to renaturate the soil fauna. So whoBuy effective microorganismsIf you want to spread them regularly in your garden, you will be rewarded with healthy and vital plant life.
Effective microorganisms (EM), a chance product
The agricultural scientist and lecturer in horticulture was actually researching,Teruo Higa, at the beginning of the 80s on field trials for the cultivation of various fruits. He poured out the remains of his solutions, which were differentmicroorganismscontained, on a piece of grass.
After a short time he noticed that that square was growing more lushly and was of a richer color than the rest of the grass area. He then intensified his research in this direction and developed the original solution of EM. To this day, nothing has been changed about this secret recipe.
Effective microorganisms and how they work
Ultimately, EM (Effective microorganisms) the same function as the microbes naturally occurring in the soil. This is the colloquially used term for the large number of different microorganisms that make the soil into a complete ecosystem. They provide it with an optimal concentration of many vital bacteria. These start regenerative processes and displace germs that are considered pathogens. To do this, they convert organic material so that it can be supplied to the plants in the form of nutrients.
The solution developed by Professor Higa increases thisbiodiversityimsoil of the garden. It is a cocktail that contains very different and coordinated colonies of microorganisms.Lactic acid bacteriaproduce organic acids that limit the spread of pathogenic germs.The yeast culturesurround the surfaces of the soil particles and stop the mold. They also produce certain amino acids that accelerate metabolic processes in the habitat.Ferment-active sporesare responsible for the production of antimicrobial substances that inhibit the odor development of gases.
EM as a link between soil, pond and plant roots
The task of the microorganisms is to improve the soil structure. They ensure sufficient ventilation and mixing of the crumb. They are not to be understood as conventional fertilizers, as they are not direct suppliers of nutrients, but rather serve as a link betweenLithosphereand plant kingdom. EM are responsible for accelerating the soil's own processes. The result is a nutrient-rich onehumus layer, which also binds large amounts of carbon and thus counteracts climate change. They are easy to spray on the plants or mix with the irrigation water.
EM also achieves excellent results when maintaining the biotopes in the garden pond. This usually has no natural drainage and there is theDanger of eutrophication. The pond is polluted by an excess of dead organic material. Excessive production of nutrients occurs. This process causes inflationary algae growth, which takes away the habitat of other microorganisms and plant species. As these new individuals die off, the body of water becomes overloaded over time until it overturns due to a lack of oxygen. This situation can be prevented with the preventive addition of effective microorganisms. The water in the pond remains clean and clear and the fish enjoy a long life.