Iron fertilizer against moss in the lawn: advantages, disadvantages and correct use

The appearance of moss on the lawn is a common problem in spring, especially when the weather is quite wet. You probably also struggle with this in your garden and have tried countless moss killers, unfortunately without success. Many gardeners recommend iron fertilizer against moss and today we will explain whether it is really effective and harmless to the garden.

Photo: Shutterstock/ P. Qvist

Iron fertilizer against moss: Pros and Cons for lawn fertilization

Moss in the lawn is a sign that the growing conditions for the grass, such as water, air and nutrient supply, are impaired. The annoying plant multiplies very quickly and deprives the lawn of nutrients and moisture. Therefore, it is very important to first remove the causes of its appearance so that you can effectively get rid of moss. If the grass grows strong and healthy and is dense and bright green, moss simply cannot settle in it.

What is an iron fertilizer?

In recent years, iron fertilizer has become known as an effective moss killer, which comes in the form of granules or liquid fertilizer. The iron sulfate it contains helps destroy moss by eliminating iron deficiency. However, you should make sure that if the soil shows no signs of iron deficiency, the iron fertilizer should only be used specifically on the moss areas in the lawn.

Keep in mind that although the moss dies after treatment with iron fertilizer, the product is not entirely suitable for long-term moss removal because the soil becomes more acidic and the moss spreads even faster next year.

Apply correctly

Foto: Shutterstock/ Zaharia Bogdan Rares

The best time to apply is early spring when the soil temperature is above 10°C so that the moss dies off by summer and the grass can grow back. Therefore, the lawn should first be mowed a week before fertilization. One application per year should generally be sufficient.

If you have chosen an iron fertilizer in granular form, you should water the lawn thoroughly before and after application. For a liquid or powdered iron fertilizer, follow the manufacturer's instructions when dissolving it in water to avoid overdosing or chemical burns.

Tipp:It is not recommended to use iron fertilizer on a newly sown lawn or a lawn that is three months old or younger because it cannot fully absorb all the nutrients. Additionally, using it at this time may affect soil acidity instead of promoting growth.

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Is iron fertilizer against moss harmful to the environment?

Although iron fertilizers are very effective against moss in lawns, they can be harmful to people and animals and affect the microorganisms in the top layer of soil. Fertilizers containing iron II sulfate in particular are toxic and are best avoided. However, if you want to use this, you should make sure that the lawn is not walked on for at least a week after the treatment.

You should also take some protective measures during application: Don't forget to wear rubber gloves and boots, safety glasses and a face mask, as the fertilizer is corrosive.

Be careful that iron fertilizers can cause rust stains on paving stones and patio slabs. Therefore, it is recommendedother control agents for the jointsto use.

Alternatively, prevent the appearance of moss

Since the use of iron fertilizer is controversial, it is much better to take preventative measures against moss. If the lawn is properly cared for by watering, fertilizing and mowing regularly, the grass will grow strong and healthy and moss will not have a chance to spread.

Also remember that shade and too much moisture encourage moss growth. Remove larger branches and shade-providing plants. Scarifying the lawn is also advisable so that the soil is aerated and loosened and water and nutrients can penetrate more easily.

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