Crop rotation in the vegetable garden: With a table, the mixing culture better plan and optimize the yields

In addition to good care and cheap weather, compliance with a certain crop rotation can also ensure rich harvest. The correct pre- and post-culture improve the soil and provide important nutrients to the crops.

Crop rotation in the vegetable garden: the advantages of an overview

Several factors can influence the yields: the location, the variety, the right care, good or bad neighbors in the vegetable patch and the soil. The last one can be supplied with nutrients, but it is much better that the user garden is well managed from the beginning. Two concepts come to help:

  • the crop rotation, i.e. the planting of a keeping garden with pre-, main and post-cultures within the framework of a year.
  • And the change of fruit: the rotation of strong and weak-consuming cultures in the utility garden.

As a result, the different types of vegetables can better absorb the nutrients, pest and diseases are reduced and soil tiredness - pre -prevented. In addition, the combination of different crops can loosen the soil and improve the absorption of nutrients. They also stick together better than monocultures and prevent soil erosion. In addition, the combination of different crops can bring further advantages. Mixed cultures ensure a better soil life. They attract worms and insects that process the fallen plant parts into a valuable humus.

The crops are called the longest during the garden season. The pre -culture

The good planning is the be -all and end -all of every mixed culture. So the hobby gardener always has to keep an overview of the vegetable bead in the kits. It is particularly important to remember the planting time of the individual vegetables and to mark on the planting plan. We explain how you can do this task.

Change of fruit: four -year plant plan

A planting plan can be created both in the crop rotation and when changing fruit. The fruit change plan is created for four years. Only the main cultures (i.e. these that are harvested in summer) are marked on this.

ImFor 1 year, strongerlike tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, cabbage, potatoes and eggplants.

Im2nd year will be medium -sizedlike onion, salads, strawberries, carrots.

ImFor 3 years you plant weak consumerslike peas, garlic,different herbsAnd cress.

Im4th yearIf you treat the ground a short break and bringGreen manureout of.

In practice, you should divide your utility garden in four areas and then plant one according to the other. Ideally, the first area will be planted with stronger in the first year. In the second year you plant the first area with center consumers and the second area with heavy feeders. In the third year, weak consumers, in the second - middle consumers and the third - are built in the first area. In the fourth year, the first area is supplied with basic fertilization, in the second you plant weak consumers, in the third - middle consumers and in the fourth - stronger. 75 % is always used and you always have space in the garden for various main cultures- from weak to strong consumers.

In practice, it is not always possible to implement the concept as ideally. If you have little space or cannot adhere to the order of the main culture, you have to adjust the care - for example, you also administered fertilizers.

Green and alternatives in the fourth year

Foundation can improve the soil, leads to useful nutrients and suppresses weed growth. Suitable plants that are suitable are, for example:

  • Buckwheat:
  • Perserklee
  • Yellow lupine
  • Bee friend
  • Studentenblume
  • Rot-Klee
  • Wicker
  • Gelbenf
  • Marigold

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Plant families in mixed culture: What should you consider when it comes to crop rotation?

You should never plant vegetables from a plant family in consecutive years into the same bed. This attracts pests and enables the rapid spread of diseases.

The plant families at a glance:

  • The nightshade family is a very large plant family with more than 100 genera. In private vegetable garden, potato, tomato, paprika, pepino aubergine, goji berry are often used.
  • The cross -flowers include various types of cabbage, radishes, arugula, cress, as well as crops for green manure such as rapeseed, field mustard.
  • The family of the Hulsenfrüchtler includes pea, bean, chickpea, and for green fertilization: lupine and clover
  • Carrots, celery, dill and pastinake belong to the family of the umbels.
  • Cucumber, zucchini and all types of pumpkin are among the pumpkin plants.
  • Frequently grown species from the wicker family are salads, endivie and articke.
  • Asparagus, onion and chives are lily plants.
  • Herbs such as thyme, marjoram and basil are lip blates.

Create crop rotation for pre -culture, main culture and post -culture

Unlike when changing fruit, the crop rotation only includes one year. In addition to the main cultures, pre- and post-cultures are also grown as part of this year. The correct order is crucial for the result.

So you can divide the garden season into three periods.

  • The pre -cultures are planted in spring. These are frost -hard and fast -growing weak consumers.
  • In summer you rely on heat -compatible stronger/middle dishes/weak consumers with long harvest times.
  • The time of post -culture comes in early autumn. Hardy, fast -growing weak feeders are already planted in mid -August.

In a bed, not only different cultures in summer, but also in spring and autumn are practically grown. Such a procedure wants to be planned well. The mixed cultures should definitely be marked on the garden plan. You should also remember the number of plants from a species.

Crop rotation in the vegetable garden: the most important summarized

A mixed culture wants to be planned well. In order for it to play the right crop rotation and the annual fruit change of the various crops a crucial role. It is proceeded as follows:

1. First you create a fruit change plan for the next four years. If possible, the utility garden is divided into four areas. These areas are planted one after the other.

2. Create the annual planting plan and set the plants for pre -culture, main culture and post -culture. Observe the plant families.

3. If necessary, additional fertilize. Ensure the ground with green manure every four years.