Do you value separate beds, i.e. that the vegetable patch and flower bed are created separately? Then you should reconsider your approach, because with a mixed culture you benefit from many advantages in terms of plant protection. The marigold in particular is often seen as a companion plant to vegetables. What are the advantages of planting marigolds in the vegetable patch?
Not only beautiful to look at and fragrant, but also the ideal planting partner for your vegetable plants: this is what this pretty, resistant and easy-to-care flower can do.
Plant marigolds in the vegetable patch – why you should definitely do it!
Many people “only” know protection against pest infestation. The beautiful garden flower has a lot more to offer when it is in your bed. We summarize the effect of the marigold:
- Natural protection against pests. These include the dreaded whiteflies, leek moths, ants and harmful species of nematodes.
- Beneficial exudates from the roots. For some of the pests mentioned, it is the root exudates that protect the plant. They stop the development of pests and therefore make the soil healthier.
- They magically attract snails. Now you're wondering how this can be an advantage. Well, gardeners exploit this feature to create a natural trap. The snails prefer to migrate to these plants instead of attacking your delicious salad. Simply frame your crops with the student flowers. This way they can then be easily collected.
You can find out more about mixed cultureread here.
Which vegetables are they the right partners for?
There are often plant combinations that are unfavorable. This is always the case when they would compete for nutrients because they are the same or very similar. Is that the same with this flower despite its benefits? Are there vegetables for which marigolds are less suitable as a partner?
No, it actually does not harm any type of vegetable and can be integrated into any type of bed. Both classics such as tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, as well as beans, potatoes and salads benefit from them. There are no limits to you!
This is how the Tagetes comes into your bed
The marigold has yet to be sown, so you still have free choice at this point:
- Sow the flowers indoors on the windowsill. You alreadyin February or Marchprefer the student flower.
- Sowing can also be done directly in the bed. But you should wait until the end of April to do this, because the seeds only germinate at temperatures of at least 15 degrees.
- You can also plant the fully grown marigold in the vegetable patch. For this you can use those from the market or those you have grown yourself (preparing is really not difficult and seeds are significantly cheaper and produce plenty of plants). Planting outdoors takes place according to the Ice Saints.
Sow the marigold
You can quickly recognize the marigold seeds because they have an interesting shape and color combination.
- Prepare potting soil and pots.You can find ideas herefor homemade growing pots.
- Spread the seeds over the soil. Try to sow them at intervals now so that you may save yourself the trouble of pricking them out later.
- Marigolds are light germinatorsand need light to be able to germinate. For this reason they are not pressed into the earth. Instead, cover them lightly or not at all with soil.
- Moisten the soil with a spray bottle to avoid washing it away.
- Now keep the soil permanently moist, but never soaking wet, because then the seeds will rot.
- It should be sufficiently warm. Temperatures of 15 to 20 degrees are necessary.
- Place the pots on the windowsill, preferably facing east, as direct sunlight is unfavorable.
- The first seedlings will appear in just two or three weeks.
Care for the flower properly
- If you want to plant the marigold in the vegetable patch, choose onesunny location. However, it can also tolerate partial shade.
- The upper edge of the root ball is at the level of the edge of the ground, so it neither protrudes from the top nor sits too deep in the ground.
- Since it likes a lot of nutrients, you should always fertilize it when you do this with your vegetables.
- The sun-loving garden flower cannot tolerate waterlogging. The soil should therefore be loose and permeable, which is usually the case in vegetable beds anyway.
- Winds and rain don't bother her.
- You can prolong and promote flowering by regularly removing the spent flowers. The student flower then sprouts again and again.
Tipp:At the end of the season, you can leave some spent flowers on the plant so that it will produce seeds. You can harvest these later and use them for sowing next year. This way you save money on buying seeds yourself.