Spring cleaning in the garden: When you should start and instructions on how to do it productively

Spring cleaning in the garden is one of the most important steps all home gardeners should take. This willthe risk of weedsand plant diseases reduced during the growing months. But instead of just cleaning up the winter mess, check out this spring cleaning guide to learn when to start and how to do it properly and productively. In this article you will find another spring cleaning checklist with the tasks you need to do and the tools you need for gardening.

Why is spring cleaning important in the garden

Dead plants, stems and leaves littering your beds not only look unsightly, they can also be unhealthy. They harbor disease spores and fungi that can cause serious problems later in the season. All of this dead material also contains weeds, which can spread quickly if left unattended. That's why it's always a good idea to do some spring cleaning to keep your garden disease and weed free.

Wait until temperatures have consistently dropped above 10 degrees Celsius before beginning spring cleaning in your garden. Many species of bees and other pollinators overwinter in the stems and leaves of plants and only come out again when it is warm enough. You don't want to accidentally kill them if you start brushing too soon. It's also best to wait until the ground has thawed and dried out a little. If you start walking on the beds while the soil is still wet, settlement can occur, which in turn makes it difficult for the plants to grow later.

What is part of spring cleaning in the garden?

Here is a quick overview of the tasks on theSpring cleaning checklistin the garden. But don't worry, you don't have to do everything in one day.

Pruning the bushes:Early spring is a good time for shrub pruning. It stimulates new growth and helps prevent plant disease problems. But don't cut back early-flowering shrubs just yet. Wait until the flowering period is finished, otherwise you may accidentally cut off all the buds.

Remove winter mulch and other protective products:Once temperatures rise, you can remove the winter mulch you placed on your delicate plants last fall.

Removing leaves from plants:Don't worry, you don't have to remove all the leaves from your beds; they are even perfect for the floor. The leaves act as a layer of mulch that keeps weeds at bay, and they nourish the plants as they decompose. Just be sure to remove the layers of leaves on your plants.

Pull out dead annual flowers:Flowers such as petunias, begonias, marigolds and geraniums only live for a year in harsh climates and do not grow back after winter. That's why you have to pull them out of the ground along with the roots andthrow in the compost bin.

Remove dead plant parts from perennials:Cut or remove dead leaves from perennials such as hostas, daylilies, ornamental grasses, primroses and sedums.

Maintain your vegetable garden:When caring for your vegetable beds, try to remove as much plant debris and roots as possible. Also remove dead vines from growing trellises to keep them looking better while new vines take root.

Weeding:Spring is a good time for weeding. Weeds are easy to spot before the perennials begin to grow. When you're finished weeding, cover the ground with a thick layer of mulch. This will prevent new weeds from sprouting.

Fence the beds to remove the grass:Grass likes to sneak into the beds and easily goes unnoticed during the busy summer months. Once you remove the debris and weeds, the grass will be easier to see. It is also easy to pull out because the soil is moist.

Checklist of cleaning tasks in your yard

In addition to garden maintenance, there are other tasks you should complete when spring cleaning your yard.

  • Lawn care: Gather branches, remove large piles of dead leaves, and clean up any other debris that has accumulated on the lawn. But wait to rake until the ground has thawed and dried.
  • Pruning trees: If you need to prune some trees in your yard, the best time to do it is when the tree is still dormant.
  • Cleaning the terrace: Sweep patios and similar areas and clean furniture.

Tools for spring cleaning in the garden

There are many great devices that make spring cleaning in the garden much easier and faster. Here are a few:

Garden shears:Since trimming trees and shrubs is an important part of spring garden care, you definitely need a good pair of scissors. Make sure it is clean and sharp before you get started.

Heavy hand scissors:Regular scissors are fine for most jobs. However, heavy hand pruners are designed to cut through thick trunks and branches with ease.

Pruning shears for thick branches and trunks:This amazing tool can easily cut through thick roots or branches of trees and bushes!

Hand rake:This handy tool is used to remove leaves and other debris from around plants and trunks. A hand rake is especially useful when you need to clean up around prickly or thorny plants.

Weed cutter:Another nifty tool you didn't know you needed until you got it!

Hedge trimmer:Another good tool for spring cleaning your garden is a pair of hedge trimmers. It can be used to quickly cut back dead perennials or shape stubborn bushes.