Garden path ideas: These DIY projects made from various materials are inexpensive and easy to care for

A garden path gives every garden coziness and uniqueness. You can take a look at these garden path ideas and try them out.

You can make your garden walkways from different materials and here we introduce you to some inexpensive and easy projects.

Simple do-it-yourself garden path made of concrete stepping stones

This is an inexpensive idea that requires simple materials and equipment.

Materials for the DIY concrete stepping stones:

  • Sand base mix
  • Dust mask
  • Fabric posts
  • Vinyl Furniture Tape
  • Large mixing bucket or wheelbarrow
  • Who
  • hoe
  • tape
  • Disposable cups or bowls
  • plastic bags
  • Rubber gloves or heavy-duty nitrile gloves
  • Sealer – optional but recommended

DIY instructions:

  • Prepare the site, level it and cover it with pebbles.
  • To make the concrete stepping stones, put the stepping stone mold together. Use tape to connect the ends of the vinyl tapes together.
  • Take the garden stakes and push them into the ground. Place them around the outside of the mold wherever you think it needs support.
  • Now it's time to mix the concrete. Use the hoe to mix the concrete with water. It's easier and less dusty if you add some water to your mixing bucket or wheelbarrow first. The right consistency is a peanut butter-like consistency.
  • Pour the concrete stepping stone shapes. If this is easiest for you, pour the concrete directly into the mold. Otherwise, it may be easier to use a shovel to place the concrete.
  • Start by spreading the concrete with your gloved hands, making sure to get it all the way to the edges of the belt. Then use the trowel to smooth the concrete.
  • After you start the next stone shape, feel the concrete to see if it has any shape. If so, remove the vinyl tape.
  • Now use your gloved hand to shape the edges. Round them a little and press them inward to create a more rounded shape if you like.
  • Now you can apply a stone texture to the concrete. Do this with the plastic bag. Place the bag on your hands and tap the top of the concrete. Beat until you like the texture.
  • Allow the concrete to harden. Make the remaining bricks, one at a time. The stones reach full hardening in 3-4 weeks before you walk on them.

Garden path ideas: How to reuse recycled bricks

Here's how to build onesimple garden pathmade from recycled bricks lying on a bed of sand.

Tools and materials required:

  • Edging spade
  • Hand tamper
  • Knieschoner
  • Leather gloves
  • Spirit level
  • chisel
  • Rubber hammer
  • spade
  • wheelbarrow
  • Recycled bricks
  • Edging posts
  • Pflastersteine
  • Sand

How to make the garden path yourself:

  • The first step is to level the terrain. Dig out a brick height to ensure you can fit the bricks. At the end, use a garden rake to adjust the level correctly if the path is sloping and winding.
  • Then use sand to create a bed for the bricks.
  • Before you start laying the bricks, lay the edge of paving stones. The pavers create a nice, clean edge. After laying the bricks, you can adjust the position of the pavers before attaching them.
  • Use cement to secure the edges to hold them in place.
  • At the end you have to joint the bricks with sand, which you spread into the gaps between the bricks.

Make a walkway in the garden from mulch

One of the simple garden path ideas is this mulch walkway project. Fast and clean, try it and you will definitely be satisfied.

Materials required:

  • Newspapers
  • wood chips
  • Stones (optional)
  • shovel

DIY Instructions:

  • Stock up on wood chips.
  • Dig up the area where you want to make your walkway. For best results, dig the ground about an inch deep where you want to create the path. This prevents the wood chips from slipping. The path should be at least 46 cm wide, or 90 cm if two people are to be able to walk side by side. The ground does not have to be completely flat or smooth, but it should be compacted to create a solid foundation.
  • Line the bottom of the path with several layers of newspapers. In a few years they will dissipate, but in the meantime they prevent weeds from establishing themselves.
  • Fill the newspaper-lined area with mulch, trying to spread an even layer. The layer should be one to two centimeters thick so that the newspaper underneath does not show through as the mulch moves underfoot.

Optional: Lay the path with stones
If you want and stones are available, you can line the path with stones. They give the path a finished look and also prevent the wood chips from shifting.

You can find more ideas herefor different garden paths, choose some that you would like!