Yellow flowers are often associated with friendship and joy. They also stand asSymbolfor a new beginning. Their warm, cheerful impact would visually enhance any garden. We have 10 beautiful ones for youyellow flowering perennialsVarieties put together that are perfect for a sunny rock garden.
Desert gold aster prefers a dry location in full sun and stony soil. The daisy-like, bright golden yellow flowers appear in summer.
Yellow flowering perennials for the rock garden
Delosperma nubigenum Lesotho, also known as the ice plant, requires a sunny, dry location. This variety is planted in spring and blooms in sunny yellow in early summer. Over the winter, the ice plant needs protection from frost, such as a warm blanket of leaves.
Anthemis Marschalliana mountain chamomile
Mountain chamomile thrives best in well-drained soil and in a sunny location. The bright yellow flowers appear from May to July. The flower stalks grow up to 30 cm high.
Euphorbia Polychroma Gold Wolfsmilch
Golden spurge is a spring perennial with effective leaves. It loves a full sun, dry location, which is why it is well suited to rock gardens. But be careful that the milky sap is very poisonous.
Hot stonecrop
The Sedum acre or stonecrop is a cushion-forming perennial that is perfect for rock gardens, wall joints and embankments. The flowering period is from August to October. Even in autumn they can be bright yellowflowersenjoy.
Bupthalmum Salicifolium Alpengold
The oxeye is a very adaptable plant that does not place any particular demands on the soil, but does require a sunny location. The bright yellow flowers can be seen in the garden throughout the summer.
Junkerlilie Asphodeline Lutea
The Junker lily comes from the Mediterranean region, but also thrives well in our home gardens. It is very undemanding and loves stony soils and warm, sunny locations. It blooms in spring and brings color to every rock garden. The individual flowers are distributed on a raceme while the foliage remains wintergreen.
Aster Linosyris Goldhaaraster
Golden hair grid prefers dry soil and a sunny location. It is well suited for green roofs and planting in a rock garden.
Alyssum Berggold
The Berggold stone herb prefers a sunny location and sandy to stony soil. In spring you can find these bright yellow flowering perennials in many rock and roof gardens.
Sedum Montanus Berg Fettblatt
The mountain fat leaf is perfect for full sun, dry locations. Thanks to its water-storing leaves, the plant can easily survive long dry periods.
DieCypress Saint Herbalso feels comfortable in summer and during heat waves