Clean out geraniums for lush blooms: A trick gets pelargoniums to bloom!

Pelargoniums are one of the most beautiful permanent bloomers in the home garden. It's all the more annoying when they don't bloom after they've been planted in the garden. In this case you have to clean out the geraniums. Removing the dead flowers in a timely manner promotes new flower formation.

Clean out geraniums: This is how you get the pelargoniums to bloom again

With the beginning of the flowering period, every geranium owner can enjoy a splendor of flowers outdoors. I still remember when I brought my first pelargoniums home from the garden center and then planted them in the garden. The beautiful first flowers withered quickly and then I waited impatiently for the next ones. Unfortunately in vain. Then I asked myself what I did wrong. A friend of mine, also a hobby gardener, was there to help and advise me. He was also the one who showed me how to properly clean my geraniums.

Regular removal of dead flowers laststhe flowers healthyand gives them the necessary drive to produce flowers again. If the wilted material is not removed in time, the plant wastes its energy on seed production. But if you cut off the flowers and their stems, new flowers will soon open.

How often cleaning is necessary depends on various factors. These include, among others:

  • The type of geranium and the respective variety: Some varieties simply bloom very vigorously and then take a short break before they produce flowers for the second time. Other varieties bloom continuously throughout the summer.
  • The location: The sunnier the geraniums are, the more flowers they produce. If the lighting conditions at the location change during the summer (shrubs form leaves after winter dormancy, other bedding plants shade the pelargonium), then the flower produces fewer and smaller flowers.
  • The weather: The more sunny days there are, the better for the geranium.

What to do if standing geraniums don't bloom? Be sure to clean it out

Especially when standingGeraniums need to be cleaned outfor care. Their large flower balls weigh more and can break shoots if not removed in time. Standing geraniums generally produce fewer flowers. That's why you notice faded flowers quickly and the plant doesn't look particularly nice.

Noble geraniums also need to be cleaned out regularly

The noble geraniums have large inflorescences and a dense growth with many, large, fragrant leaves. The noble geranium needs to be cleaned out regularly so that it blooms profusely.

Scented geraniums include all varieties that produce fragrant flowers. In contrast to noble geraniums, they do not need to be cleaned out as they produce significantly fewer flowers than other types of geraniums.

Most hanging geranium varieties are self-cleaning

In contrast to the other types of geraniums, the hanging varieties produce many, but smaller, flowers. The plants with unfilled flowers clean themselves - the wilted ones fall off. Fortunately for hobby gardeners, the flowers with overhanging shoots can cope without cleaning out the wilted ones. Varieties with double flowers are an exception - these plants may need to be cleaned out. Especially when there are longer dry periods in summer. But also when it rains more often in spring.

By the way, I always clean my geraniums shortly after I water them. I simply snap off the stems and dead flowers to promote flower formation.