When the geraniums have finished flowering, they should be cared for properly. Cut off dead leaves to protect your flowers from disease. This summer pruning is simply part of caring for the plants - we explain how to do it and what you should do.
The most important thing in brief
- Regular cleaning: Prolongs flowering time and protects against diseases.
- Cutting technique: Use pruning shears for tall-growing varieties and snip off short-growing varieties.
- Disease protection: Wilted leaves are entry points for bacteria and fungi.
- fertilization: Fertilize regularly during the flowering period, stop at the end of the flowering period.
- Noble geranium: Regular plucking promotes a second flowering.
- Subshrubs: Standing pelargoniums with large, double flowers require weekly cleaning.
- Cascade Variety Group:Self-cleaning hanging geraniums require less care.
- Remove flowers:In wind-protected locations, removal can be omitted, otherwise every two weeks.
- Pruning in summer:Only in case of disease or pest infestation, otherwise in autumn.
That's why you have to clean out faded geraniums regularly
Geraniums bloom tirelessly in balcony boxes or flower beds and are among the most beautiful flowers. To extend their flowering period and protect them from diseases, you should remove dead flowers regularly.
Cleaning out prevents seed formation, in which the geraniums will put a lot of energy. Instead, cutting off the withered flowers promotes new flower formation and ensures wonderful flowers in the balcony box or flower pot.
In addition, withered leaves are entry points for bacteria and fungi - they weaken the plants and enable the transmission of various diseases and pest infestation.
When should you remove wilted flowers?
Withered flowers are removed regularly; cleaning out should best be done weekly. You can also remove wilted leaves or ailing shoots to keep the plant healthy. While thinning is also the right time to check the leaves for signs of pest infestation.
You should stop cleaning at the end of the flowering period of the respective variety.
Which species need to be cleaned out and which ones don't?
At EdelgeranienRegularly picking off the flowers can encourage a second bloom in late summer or extend the blooming period. The same applies to various hybrid plants. These are cut off directly below the flower.
Subshrubs with upright growth - the so-calledstanding pelargoniumswith large, double flowers – need weekly cleaning. It is best to cut off the flowers and shorten the stem to the next leaf node.
There is also the self-cleaning oneCascade Varietal Group. These are hanging geraniums that can usually cope without cleaning. Varieties with extra large flowers should be protected from the wind - then there is no need to remove the wilted ones. However, if they are in a windy place, the flowers should be cut off every two weeks - otherwise the shoots will break. Large and double flowers are cut off about 4 to 5 cm below the faded ones.
As a rule, varieties with double flowers must be cleaned out regularly. Long dry periods, heat waves, but also heavy rain can weaken the plants and the withered plants become particularly vulnerable to bacteria, fungi and pests. In addition, double flowers are heavier and the shoots could break if the dead flowers are not removed.
Pinch off or cut off stems?
For tall-growing varieties, the stems should be cut off with clean pruning shears. For short-growing varieties, it is best to cut off the stems early in the morning, about two hours after watering.
Geranium care after cleaning
Proper care after weekly cleaning is very important. The interfaces are entry surfaces for bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the geraniums should be protected from wind and rain. You should only look at the flowers from below andpour slowly, so that no spores are transferred from the soil with the irrigation water.
The location should also be sunny - pelargoniums prefer full sun and UV radiation has disinfecting properties.
The geraniums continue to be fertilized during the flowering period - the fertilization is only stopped shortly before the end.
Pruning in summer is only carried out in exceptional cases, for example if the plant is sick or infested with pests.The pelargoniums only grow in autumncut close to the ground and brought to winter quarters.
Geraniums withered: The most important thing on the subject
Pelargoniums are beautiful flowers that bloom all summer long if cared for well. However, to keep them healthy, you should remove the wilted stuff regularly. The right time to start cleaning is in July. This way you can promote flower formation and protect the flowers from diseases. The correct cutting technique is important because different types are shortened differently. After cutting, the geraniums are placed in a sunny place, protected from wind and rain, and fertilized generously.