Cutting grasses: Why ornamental grasses such as miscanthus, pampas grass and zebra grass need a cut in February

Ornamental grasses give theFlowerbed structure, set accents and are also a real eye-catcher as potted plants on the terrace. Miscanthus, pampas grass and the like also impress with their easy care. Some of them can get along without fertilizer or water. The only thing that should not be forgotten is regular annual pruning. We explain how to cut the grass and why the cut needs to be done in February and March.

Cutting grass: It is best to cut grass before it sprouts in spring

Not just bushes andHedges need to be planted in springbe cut, grasses also need a caring cut in February. By then most of the ornamental grasses have not sprouted again. The cutting technique differs depending on whether it is a deciduous or wintergreen or evergreen species. Deciduous ornamental grasses require heavy pruning, which promotes re-growth in spring and accelerates plant growth. Wintergreen ornamental grasses only need a caring cut in which diseased, dead or frozen parts of the plant are removed.

Which ornamental grasses to cut in February? Deciduous species require severe pruning

For now: These ornamental grasses that have green stalks in summer are called “summer green”. The shoots die off in autumn and turn yellow or turn brown/red or another color. In the winter months, the dead shoots protect the plant from frost and wind. However, in spring they have to be removed so that the grass sprouts. Below we list the most well-known grasses that are cut back in February.

Cutting summer green grasses:

  • Berg-Reitgras
  • different sedge varieties
  • Flat ear grass
  • Forest Schmiele
  • Berggras
  • Bandgras
  • single-flowered pearl grass
  • Pipe grass
  • Flattergras

Cut miscanthus in February

The Miscanthus, also known as elephant grass, is cut in February. The old shoots are cut back heavily; only 30 cm should remain. You can use sharp cordless shrub shears or pruning shears for pruning. Be sure to wear cut-resistant gardening gloves. The stalks are first tied together 10 cm above the cut point and then cut off.

Which evergreen ornamental grasses should you cut in February?

In contrast to theOrnamental grasses in autumndry out, the evergreen species remain green all year round. Pruning is out of the question for them because it would slow down plant growth. The wintergreen species are given a rejuvenation cut in which only diseased and dead parts of the plant are removed.

  • Blue fescue
  • Blue jet oats
  • Breitblatt Ass
  • Fox red New Zealand sedge
  • Beach egg

Cut pampas grass in February

The pampas grass is a real eye-catcher for the balcony or terrace. This species reaches a height of over 2 meters. Their stalks remain green even in winter and continue to delight the eye. The right time for a rejuvenation cut is the end of February - beginning of March. First remove the fleece and unpack the plant. Then only shorten the old shoots whose fruit heads have dried out. You should cut these down to new wood. Also remove any yellowed leaves and dead plant parts. If necessary, you can thin out the plant. If you miss the right time in spring, you should definitely not cut the plant in autumn. It's best to wait until next spring.

Cutting grass: Bamboo and zebra grass are two special cases

Cutting zebra grass in February:

Zebra grass is a true survivor. It can adapt perfectly to the climate. In regions with a mild winter, the plant is wintergreen. However, when temperatures fall below 0 degrees Celsius in winter, the above-ground parts of the plant die and provide natural frost protection for the roots in winter. In this country, zebra grass is summer green and freezes to death in autumn. Therefore it is cut back in spring. You should first check the grass very carefully for new shoots. In some cases the plant can sprout as early as mid-February. It is best to use sharp pruning shears to cut off the old shoots just close to the ground. The young shoots, on the other hand, are shortened to 20 cm above the ground.

Cutting bamboo

Many hobby gardeners forget thatBamboo is not a shrub, but is a grass. The right time to prune is mid-February to the end of March. The exotic sprouts in April, so you should give it a topiary cut in spring. You can thin out the bamboo, shorten it, and remove frozen or dead parts of the plant. However, cutting back is out of the question. However, you have to cut back the oldest stalks close to the ground every 3-4 years. It is best to use pruning shears for tall varieties, as the shoots at the bottom are heavily woody.

Ornamental grasses add character to the garden. But tall ornamental grasses are much more than an eye-catcher: they provide privacy and food or hiding places for small garden animals. In order for the grasses to please the eye for years to come, they need to be pruned carefully in the spring.