Traditionally, a lot of pruning work is done in the fall. After pruning the roses, pruning the garden hedge or fruit trees, scarifying the lawn and other tasks, a lot of green waste is created. You can of course dispose of the green waste. But it can actually be used well in the garden. This way you can save money and are also good for the environment.
Dispose of or recycle green waste? The possible uses at a glance
Instead of throwing away the green waste, we can process it and reuse it. Leaves and grass clippings can easily be processed into compost. The natural materials decay quickly and provide useful nutrients when incorporated into the soil. You can also use the grass clippings in combination with bark for mulching and thus protect the plants in the garden from frost. The green waste is perfectFilling material for the Benje hedge. If you separate the leaves from the twigs and branches, you can chop the wood and thus have fuel for the fire bowl. So nothing stands in the way of pleasant evenings in the garden, even at temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius!
In order to produce compost, mulch or shredded material, you also need certain equipment and tools. Always wear gloves and protective clothing when working with a chipper. Not everyone has gardening tools in their garage, but you can rent them.
The following are ideal for chopping:
- Branches of fruit and hedge bushes
- Thick branches of deciduous and coniferous trees
- Perennial shoots
- Some tall ornamental grasses
Less suitable are:
- climbing plants
- leaves (moist)
- Plants that contain milky sap in the stem (e.g. basket flowers, poppy plants and spurge plants)
Compost leaves and grass clippings
If you want to compost leaves and lawn clippings, you should first lay them out on a work surface and let them dry slightly for about a day. Then you can shred the leaves additionally. Mix lawn clippings and leaves in a ratio of 1 to 1 and add some lime. Then add the mixture to the compost heap and water the whole thing generously with water. Now all that's left is to stir the compost pile every 2 - 3 days.
Improve the soil condition with a mix of chopped material and grass clippings. However, you have to be patient - because you can't work the compost into the ground until spring. The organic fertilizer will, on the one hand, improve the permeability of the garden soil and, on the other hand, supply the soil with nitrogen.
Seal the Benje hedge with green waste
You can also use the green cuttings as sealing for the Benje hedge. Grass clippings, leaves and shredded material are piled up between the branches of the hedge and serve as gap fillers. Large twigs and branches can be used when building the structure.
The Benje hedge is an environmentally friendly alternative to numerous hedge plants. Especially in autumn, it offers shelter and food for many insects and local birds. Hedgehogs, sand lizards and other small garden animals and reptiles also find accommodation in the deadwood hedge.
Use lawn clippings and tree bark for mulching
Bark mulch offers many advantages: it displaces weeds, protects the soil from frost and keeps it moist. The mulch layer can also provide useful nutrients. And perhaps best of all, you don't have to spend anything on it. Anyone can make bark mulch themselves from lawn clippings and tree bark. Autumn is the right time for this. Proceed as follows:
1. First, line a work surface (preferably in a greenhouse or garden shed) with newspaper. Then scatter the grass clippings and leaves over it and let them dry. Then chop up the autumn leaves and mix them with the lawn clippings (if you wish, you can also add some wood waste).
2. You can apply the mulch anywhere in the garden: it is suitable as a filling material for raised beds, flower boxes and large potted plants. But it can also protect the bulb flowers in the flower bed from frost. The berry bushes also need to be mulched in autumn in order to get through the winter well. A thin layer of mulch, about 5 cm, loosens the soil and keeps it moist and weed-free. This is particularly advantageous for plants that belong to the shallow-rooted group. For them, hoeing is out of the question - it could damage the sensitive roots.
Dispose of or recycle green waste? Use chopped material to improve the soil
If wood waste is created after cutting in the garden, you can chop up the branches with a garden shredder and then use the shredded material to loosen the soil. To do this, you must first remove the leaves and only then can you start chopping. Allow the chopped material to dry before working it into the ground.
NB:The burning of wood chips and wood residues is prohibited and can only be approved by the local authorities in exceptional cases. It's best to ask on site what rules you have to followOutdoor fireshould hold. In some cases, small branches are permitted as fuel, but you must obtain a permit from the municipality.
If you need something quicker, you can chop up the twigs and branches including the leaves, let them dry and then give them to a horse owner. Green waste is used as floor covering, especially in horse steel. Of course, this needs to be replaced more often.