Evergreen ground cover for permanent grave planting: These hardy species are suitable for year-round design

Grave care has a healing effect for many survivors. When designing, you can process your grief, withdraw and forget the world for a brief moment. However, maintaining the grave site can be very time-consuming. Permanent grave planting is therefore ideal for everyone who cannot visit the grave every week. Evergreen ground covers require little care. We list several hardy species that are suitable for the grave site.

Permanent grave planting with ground cover: What should you take into account when designing?

Ground cover plants are plants that have a low growth habit. On average they reach a height of 20 cm – 30 cm. On the grave site, the dwarf shrubs and compact perennials fulfill a similar function as in the home garden. She:

  • are used as gap fillers
  • suppress weeds and the spread of other wild plants
  • are a cheap option for grave planting due to their low purchase price
  • are very durable and can decorate the grave site for decades.
  • need very little care. A visit to the cemetery once a month is enough.

When planting a graveYou should plan additional care measures in the first year. The plants are planted more closely in the soil than usual and it may be that some of them do not tolerate root competition well in the first few months. So you should be prepared to replace individual specimens with new ones in the first year. When it comes to fertilizing and watering, the ground cover plants are pretty undemanding. Provide them with slow-release fertilizer in spring and water the young plants regularly in the first year. From the second year onwards, watering can be almost completely eliminated. Only in summer, when it is hot, should you water them every two weeks.

Common ivy:Traditionally we know common ivy as an evergreen climbing plant. But it can just as easily spread out on the ground as long as the location suits it. The ivy prefers a partially shaded place. The high humidity in winter doesn't bother him, nor does snow and rain. The young plants only need frost protection in the first year, from then on they can easily cope with the Central European climate and long-lasting frost. From the 10th year onwards, the ivy begins to form flowers.

Varieties:“Gold Child” has light green leaves with a golden yellow edge, while “Goldstern” has the entire leaves yellow-green. The large-leaved Irish ivy is an alternative to the native common ivy.

Particularly beautifully flowering ground cover

Small-leaved periwinkle (Vinca minor):The plant is perfect for permanent grave planting. Various varieties are available in garden centers, most of which are hardy and, as the plant name itself suggests, evergreen. Vinca minor has a dense growth and produces large blue-purple flowers in spring (March to April). Depending on the variety, a second flowering in autumn is possible. The small-leaved periwinkle feels at home in the shade as well as in sunny and sunny areas. It grows vigorously and is therefore the perfect ground cover for the grave site. With the exception of fertilization before flowering and weekly watering in summer, the plant can cope without any further care.

Varieties:“Alba” stays very low (up to 10 cm) and has snow-white leaves, “Rubra” produces large purple-blue flowers,

The carpet golden strawberry (Waldsteinia ternata)is an evergreen ground cover popular for its bright yellow flowers. But their large, hairy leaves are also a real eye-catcher after the flowering period ends in May. The plant has a creeping habit. The only disadvantage of the golden strawberry is that it can spread very quickly in the bed or on the grave site and crowd out other plants. A root barrier can help stop the spread of golden strawberries. Otherwise the ground cover is quite undemanding.

Hardy foliage plants

The fat man (Pachysandra terminalis)is a carpet-forming evergreen plant. The ground cover scores with dark green leaves and dense growth. Therefore, the fat man is perfect for easy-care grave planting. With the exception of occasional watering during long periods of heat in summer, the fat man is very easy to care for. It has no special requirements for soil or location and feels comfortable in both the shade and the sun.

Sort:“Compakta” ​​reaches a maximum height of 9 cm.

The carpet knotweed (Mühlenbeckia axillaris)is a particularly beautiful ground cover with dark shoots and circular leaves that are shiny green in summer and then turn reddish-brown in autumn.

Ground cover with red berries for permanent grave planting

The cotoneaster (Cotoneaster dammeri)is a ground cover plant with a flat habit and glossy dark green leaves. It spreads quickly over the grave site and forms a dense carpet. Positive side effect: The ground cover doesn't give weeds a chance. In contrast toother carpet-forming plantsThe medlar blooms from June. Their white flowers herald the start of summer. The red berries appear in autumn and adorn the plant until spring. The cotoneaster tolerates shaping and pruning without any problems and is very robust.

Sort:“Radicans” tolerates pruning, grows to a maximum height of 40 cm and has arching shoots. The cotoneaster “Frieder’s Evergreen” has a flat habit and is very slow growing.

The lower false berry (Gaultheria procumbens)is a dwarf shrub that prefers a location in the shade. Particularly popular for its bright red berries, the ground cover is a real eye-catcher, especially in winter.

Also read:15 summer flowers for graves: blooms in the cemetery