Whether red, white or black: currants produce a particularly large amount of fruit if you cut them in summer. We'll tell you in the article what you need to consider and how long until when it makes sense to do summer pruning. Cutting currants, made easy!
Severe pruning is out of the question in summer. But post-harvest care pruning is crucial for next year's yields. You should definitely do this every year so that the shrub continues to produce plenty of flowers and then bear fruit.
The months between March and October are only legalnourishing cutsapproved. Of course, it makes a difference whether you prefer the shrub in a pot, whether it is planted in the kitchen garden or whether it is part of a wild hedge. It is best to find out from the local authorities whether you are allowed to cut the currant bush. To be on the safe side, check for nesting birds before making the cut.
Until when can you cut currants?
If the goal of summer pruning is higher yields, then you should cut the fruit tree immediately after the harvest. If you want to give it a topiary cut or simply thin out the shrub, you can do this until around mid-September. However, the currants need time to heal the wounds, otherwise the first frosts can cause damage.
Cut and fertilize the fruit tree
After the summer cut, the currants need nutrients to recover. Late summer is the right time to fertilize the shrub with compost, horn meal or horse manure.
Cutting white and red currants: What should you pay attention to when pruning?
Both the white and red currants bloom and bear fruit on the new shoots. After three years, flower production and, accordingly, the number of fruits on the shoots decrease significantly. Therefore, these must be removed annually to encourage new growth next spring. In the end, around eight to twelve new shoots should remain after the care cut.
Shoots close to the ground that do not receive enough sunlight are also cut off. Also cut off diseased, inwardly growing or broken shoots close to the ground.
Shrubs that are four years old or older must also be thinned out annually. Good air circulation is crucial, among other things, illnesses and...prevent pest infestationbecome. Shoots that compete for sunlight will not produce large, healthy fruits anyway due to the lack of light. So take these out.
How do I recognize old shoots on currants?
Even inexperienced hobby gardeners can easily recognize the old shoots by their color. They are dark brown and woody. A tip: You can use green twine to mark this year's shoots, then next year's new shoots in yellow, then in orange. This way, old shoots can be quickly identified. Use a hand saw to cut them off.
Cutting white and red currants: instructions
First, remove any old, diseased, injured or growing shoots that are too close to the ground. Then cut off all shoots that have already borne fruit above a branch. The stub should stay there. Leave about 10 shoots, preferably those that are high on the plant and get as much sunlight as possible.
Cutting blackcurrants: This is what you should keep in mind when cutting in summer!
In contrast to red and white currants, black currants bear fruit on this year's wood, especially on the side shoots. A caring cut in the summer aims to encourage new growth next spring through precise thinning. You should orientate yourself on the respective plant. For young plants, often only the diseased shoots are cut back and the main shoots are left. This is because the young plants often have fewer than eight main shoots. For plants that are already rooted and have developed splendidly in recent years, the main shoots are also thinned out. The goal – to leave around nine to ten main shoots and cut off the others above an outward-facing flower bud.
Standard currants are brought into the right shape in summer
Standard currants can also benefit from caring pruning in summer. Above all, they are given a cut in their upbringing. Overhanging, inwardly or downwardly growing shoots are completely removed so that the plant retains its typical standard standard shape. Otherwise, you should focus on the species and thin out the fruit tree as needed.
Whether in the bucket or in the kitchen garden: So that the currantsplenty of fruitswear, you need a nourishing cut. In the summer, after the end of the harvest season, only individual shoots are removed or cut off. This means the shrub can grow vigorously again next year.