Sow cold germinators in winter: these species need the cold to grow

Many gardeners are of the opinion that in September-October work in the garden stops completely - nothing can be planted in the frozen ground until spring. However, experts are sure that the seeds of many plants germinate better if they are sown not in spring but in winter - even over snow. Cold is necessary for the development of the embryos of many plants. We give some ideas about which cold germinators to sow in winter.

Photo: Oksana_Schmidt / shutterstock

Winter sowing is suitable for cold-resistant plants. And many seeds germinate better if they lie under a blanket of snow for several months. It is the right time for the beginning of the next season to enjoy the first bounty of our vegetable garden in spring.

So why don't we make our work easier in the spring and not sow our favorite plants in the winter? Which frost germscan be sown in winter? The selection of plants that can be sown in winter is quite large.

Sow wild garlic in winter

Foto: Penny Hicks / shutterstock

Wild garlic is a hardy plant. You can sow wild garlic in a box and bury it under snow in winter.

  • When sowing, the seeds are placed on the prepared area, lightly mulched and kept moist.
  • It is better to choose a shady place for cultivation (for example, under the crown of an apple tree). From the second year after planting, it is advisable to cover the bulbs with a thin layer of foliage, as the bulb rises 0.5 cm from the ground every year and develops horizontal roots.

Sow blueberries now

Foto: Likee68 / shutterstock

Blueberries are best planted in a shady area under the open shade of tall trees. The soil should be acidic and the groundwater should not be too far from the surface. If such a shrub is planted in a well-lit site, it needs frequent spraying with water during the day.

Cowslip is suitable for winter sowing

Photo: Dajra / shutterstock

The perennial cowslip is always a welcome guest in the spring garden. It is a versatile perennial that absolutelyis hardy. The plant reproduces quickly. It gives the garden a delicate charm and heralds the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

If you sow cowslips in the bed in winter, make a few furrows, sow the plants in the furrows and cover the top with prepared soil.

Monkshood tolerates cold

Foto: Penny Hicks / shutterstock

Monkshood grows well in the garden, except in very windy locations. In a location protected from strong winds, the plant can fully develop its growth potential. Due to its origins in the mountains, monkshood has retained a good frost tolerance and can withstand temperatures of around -20 °C. However, it does not like winter humidity.

The plant prefersshady locations, but can also tolerate sun as long as the soil remains moist. She is only afraid of drought and poor soil.

When and how to sow phlox in winter

Foto: AngieC333 / shutterstock

We start sowing when it gets colder. Sow the seeds in the furrows more densely than in normal sowing and cover them with soil previously prepared and stored in the shed or under a shelter. Then pat the soil down again - it should be close to the seeds.

The seeds can be covered with a covering material. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts in this place, the cover is removed. Once the seedlings have germinated and grown, they can be transplanted to the desired location or left in that location.

Fragrant violet is a hardy flower

Foto: Sunbunny Studio / shutterstock

The fragrant violet is a cold-resistant plant that can be sown in winter. It should be kept in a sunny location, but protected from direct midday sun. The ideal soil for good growth should be well-drained and have a pH of at least 6.5 and at most 7.2.

So that the violet can enjoy lush flowers all summer long, premature young shoots and faded flowers should be cut back. Water the plant moderately and make sure the soil does not dry out. Morning and evening spraying has a beneficial effect on the violet.

More cold germinators for sowing in winter

Foto: irina02 / shutterstock

Here is a cold germination list with other plants that need the cold to grow:

  • Christrose
  • Bleeding heart
  • Adonis florets
  • some gentian species
  • Lady's mantle
  • Crocus
  • some wild tulips
  • Goose finger herb
  • Meerkohl
  • hop
  • Lungwort
  • Sterndolden
  • Dogtooth
  • Chervil beet

Also read:Make a small winter garden cozy: create more comfort in it and improve the use of space