Camellias are among the most beautiful flowering shrubs, enchanting with their beautiful flowers from September to May, depending on the variety. If you already have an established plant, you can try growing new bushes from it. In the article we summarize how you can propagate a camellia and what you need to pay attention to.
Propagating camellias – which methods are suitable?
Camellias can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and grafting. The cuttings are considered the best and most effective method, which also works well for hobby gardeners. However, the other two methods have some limitations. Propagation by seeds, for example, is particularly important in...Camellia japonicapossible because it is one of the few species that produces seeds in our latitudes. However, the seeds are not always of the same variety, which makes the method less popular. Grafting is also a very good way to propagate, but it is more complicated and is carried out by professional gardeners, among others.
How to propagate a camellia by cuttings?
In this article we will focus on propagation via cuttings. It's relatively easy, but keep in mind: it may take a few months for the cuttings to grow roots.
What you need:
- a healthy mother plant
- Growing pots
- rooting hormone
- potting soil
- Heat mat
- foil or plastic bottle
When can you take cuttings?
Camellia cuttings can be taken from late July to March (softwood cuttings), but the best time is from July to September (half-ripe cuttings).
Cuttings taken from July to September are considered semi-ripe because by this time the current season's growth has matured and the stems have turned from green to brown. If the cuttings are taken earlier, they may rot because they are too soft.
The selected shoot should be neither soft nor woody. To determine the exact timing, look at the terminal bud - if it splits, the cutting can be cut.
Gently bend the selected shoot: if the wood is too green and soft, it will bend, if it seems to crack, it is ready for use.
Cut the approx. 10 cm long cutting with sharp secateurs and make sure that only healthy, insect and disease-free wood and leaves are selected.
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Prepare and plant cuttings
Remove excess leaves from each cutting, leaving two to three leaves per cutting.
Cut the base of the cutting at an angle with a sharp knife just below a growth bud, using a soft wooden board so as not to crush the cambium layer. Good results are achieved by making a cut about 1 cm long and exposing the cambium layer at the bottom of the cutting by removing the bark, leaving a much larger area for rooting. The cuttings can now be dipped in rooting hormone.
Three parts of clean, washed river sand and one part of peat moss or a commercially available potting soil should be used as the planting substrate. Fill the container to the brim with this well-watered substrate and compact it.
Make holes with a large nail or similar object and carefully insert the cuttings, making sure the end is at the bottom of the hole. Then press the cutting firmly with your fingers. The cuttings should not be covered with soil for more than half of their length.
Caring for camellia cuttings
The cuttings are then lightly watered and covered with a plastic wrap or bottle. Place the pot in a warm, well-lit area outdoors (but not in direct sun) or, ideally, in an indoor greenhouse over a heat mat. A soil temperature of 25 °C is optimal for rooting. Make sure there is high, constant humidity (approx. 70-80 percent) so that the cuttings stay alive until a root system has formed. This should happen within 2-3 months, although for some it may take longer.
Once roots have formed, the plants should be placed in their own 7-10 cm pot with rhododendron soil. To promote growth, liquid fertilizer can be used at half strength. In early spring one shouldLong-term fertilizer administeredwhich is raked into the top of the mixture.
Please note that young camellias are not hardy.
Also interesting: Why is your camellia losing its leaves and buds?These are the possible causesand common care mistakes to avoid.