Camellia japonica are one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs for the terrace and balcony. To ensure that their double flowers please the eye for a long time, proper care is crucial. This also includes the supply of important nutrients that are often missing from the soil at the start of the season. The snow and heavy rain in winter washed them out of the potting soil. So now you should fertilize the camellia. We explain what you should pay attention to and which fertilizers are suitable.
Plant care in spring: fertilize and water camellia
The popular balcony plant poses a major challenge to the hobby gardener: similar to the alpine rose, it reacts very sensitively to fertilizer salts. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right fertilizer and dose it correctly. It is best to use low-salt fertilizers that contain nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements.
Water the plant if necessary, preferably withdecalcified tap wateror with rainwater. Check regularly whether the soil is moist. If it dries out slightly, you can water the shrub. Good drainage is an absolute must, as waterlogging can lead to rot and makes the plant susceptible to fungal attack.
Supply the potted plant with liquid fertilizer
Once a year, ideally before the start of the gardening season, i.e. at the beginning of April, you can provide the potted plants with additional iron fertilizer as a preventative measure against chlorosis.
From mid-April you can fertilize the shrub weekly. Beginners can go toLiquid fertilizer for rhododendronsgrab. Dilute half of the recommended dosage with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and then add the fertilizer to the irrigation water. At the end of summer you can stop regular fertilization.
Fertilize camellia: blue grain
TheBlue grain fertilizeris ideal for flowers that are sensitive to the high salt concentration in other fertilizers. Of course, the correct dosage plays a crucial role. It's best to get advice directly when purchasing from the garden center.
Fertilize the flowering ornamental shrub with coffee grounds
Experienced gardeners can also provide the potted camellia with coffee grounds. Scatter the coffee grounds on newspaper and let them dry overnight. Then the next dayPotting soil with coffee groundsmix in small quantities. Use no more than 1/2 teaspoon per plant per week.
Provide the garden plant with compost
It traditionally decorates the balcony, but it can also be planted in the garden. Provided, however, that the shrub is protected from frost with leaves in the winter months. In spring you can then enrich the garden soil with compost. Best with organic compost or home-made compost. This one-time fertilizer application will encourage growth and root development in the spring. To ensure that the perennial blooms abundantly, you should also add liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water every week.
Our tip: Take a soil sample and have it examined by a laboratory. The results will not only provide important information about the soil condition, but you will also receive recommendations regarding fertilizer.
Watering and caring for camellia: Brown leaves can indicate over-fertilization
When the camellia suddenly wilts and the leaves turn brown, most people assume it is due to a disease or pest infestation. But it could also be due to over-fertilization. Sometimes the soil is missing valuable nutrients and this can also cause the leaves to discolor. In the worst case, the plant could even die. You can repot the flower and provide liquid fertilizer every two weeks. Also check regularly whether the soil is moist. The camellia cannot tolerate drought or waterlogging. Place the perennial in a sunny spot. The blazing midday sun can burn the leaves.
The flowering shrub “Camellia japonica” comes from East Asia. Its double flowers are also pleasing to the eye in this country. There are now many varieties and hybrids that also feel at home on the balcony at home. To ensure that they bloom long and extensively, proper care is crucial. This includes not only watering, but also fertilizing.