The cherry laurel is a classic hedge plant. The shrub quickly grows into an opaque hedge that provides privacy all year round. To ensure that it pleases the eyes of hobby gardeners and passers-by for a long time, it should be cared for properly. This also includes pruning in spring. We explain when and how to cut cherry laurel and shape it.
When should you cut the cherry laurel?
The cherry laurel is an evergreen shrub that reaches a maximum height of 3 meters as a solitary plant and 2 meters in hedges. It grows an average of 30 cm every year, with most varieties growing very quickly.
Young plants are cut back in February
Visually it is very similar to the laurel and therefore brings a Mediterranean touch to the garden. At the same time, the plant is winter-proof and is therefore perfect as a privacy screen. To ensure that the cherry laurel hedge grows opaque, each plant should be cut back in the first few years. The right time for this is spring, preferably mid to late February. From the beginning of March, heavy pruning of trees is prohibited.
If the cherry laurel is bare from the inside: rejuvenate and thin out
Older plants can be thinned out in spring or brought into a compact form. This is particularly important for small gardens. A cherry laurel hedge can reach a maximum growth width of two meters. Bare plants are cut down to the old wood.
Cutting cherry laurel: topiary
A second cut in June, which shortens the plants slightly, can accelerate growth. In fact, this is rarely necessary. Old plants in particular can benefit from this.
A thirdPruning in autumnis recommended, but then the plants are not shortened, but rather the dead flowers are cut off for safety reasons. This prevents fruit formation. The fruits of the cherry laurel are very poisonous and very dangerous for pets and people. The leaves, flowers and shoots can also trigger allergic reactions when touched. You should therefore wear suitable clothing and garden shoes when cutting.
Can you cut back cherry laurel when there is frost?
Cherry laurel is frost hardy, but fresh cuts are sensitive to frost. Therefore, choose a frost-free week for pruning. Cloudy days are best. On rainy days, the interfaces stay moist longer and the plant can be attacked by fungi. The leaves can burn on sunny days.
Cutting cherry laurel: instructions
Pruning in February is intended, on the one hand, to promote the growth and new sprouting of the plants and, on the other hand, to keep the hedge as compact as possible. The shrub is best cut by hand with pruning shears. Electrical devices can damage the leaves that grow close together. Every interface is an entry point for pests and diseases and promotes fungal infestation. In addition, the plant is then more susceptible to frost. Therefore, it is best to use pruning shears. Proceed as follows:
Promote growth by pruning in spring
Hedges made up of young plants are cut back heavily in the first few years. The new shoots are shortened by half and the old branches by a third. Branches that are growing inwards, are sick and are growing upwards are removed immediately. The cuttings must be disposed of immediately afterwards and the tools must be sterilized to prevent the disease from spreading.
If a plant is frozen, all damaged parts of the plant can be cut off close to the ground. The cherry laurel can recover without any problems. Even if you cut the whole plant back, it can easily sprout again in spring.
Will be onenew hedgenot cut annually, it branches very quickly and grows so densely that the shoots in the middle get neither fresh air nor sun. Fortunately, the cherry laurel is a plant that tolerates cutting and can be quickly shaped into the desired shape. For this purpose, up to a third of all branches are cut off close to the ground. You should ensure that all shoots receive sufficient sunlight and that the leaves are well ventilated.
Regardless of whether you just thin out the cherry laurel or cut it back, there are a few things you should keep in mind when cutting.
- Cut the branches diagonally so that rainwater can drain away and the interfaces remain dry.
- The shoots are cut about 1.5 cm above a leaf bud.
- The shrub is thinned out first on the outside and then on the inside. Exception: thinning out older hedges. Mainly branches in the middle of the bush are removed.
- You should use clean and sharp hedge trimmers or even better – pruning shears. This can prevent damage. Electrical devices often damage the plant's nearby leaves and make them more susceptible to fungal infection.
- Always wear appropriate protective clothing. The cherry laurel is poisonous in all its parts and you should never touch the plant with your bare hands.
You can find more tips for pruning in autumn in the article: “Cut cherry laurel in October”