Garlic decoction against pests: This is how effectively you can use this simple home remedy against pests on plants

Did you know that garlic broth is an effective all-rounder when it comes to plant care? That it promotes their growth, keeps pests away and even makes the plants more resistant to diseases? The product supplies the plants with important nutrients and thus promotes their growth, drives away pests and increases the plants' resistance to diseases. The use of garlic decoction instead of synthetic chemical agents is ecologically clean, effective and does not pollute the environment. The organically clean and cost-effective method with very good effects has been known for many years. You can also use this good alternative in your garden. Once you try it, you'll see how your plants thank you. We explain how it is made and which pests it helps against.

The product is safe for the plants and does not harm them. On the contrary, it helps them extensively against many types of damage - against pests, even against rodents, against plant diseases and for the supply of nutrients. So if youPests from your gardenor want to keep them away from your potted plants, you can safely spray them with garlic water. It is also harmless to fruit and vegetable plants and you can consume your harvest with a clear conscience, in contrast to chemical plant products, which can no longer be easily considered safe and non-toxic these days. Garlic does not harm your plants, fruits or vegetables in any way, but rather keeps them healthy, strong and resilient. So if you need a remedy, rely on garlic with a clear conscience.

What active ingredients are contained in garlic?

Pest-repellent active ingredients

Garlic contains active ingredients such as allicin and sulfur. These have a repellent effect on pests by blocking the sensory receptors in the organs of perceptionParasites are irritating. This makes it unbearable for pests to remain on the plant, resulting in them fleeing. But that's not the only benefit. The other ingredients in garlic make the product a true superfood for plants.

What pests does garlic decoction protect against?

You can use garlic water safely and effectively against aphids, ants, beetles and common rodent beetles (also...known as woodworm), insert caterpillars, fall armyworms, snails, slugs and whiteflies.

Nutrients in Garlic

Are you ready for the long list of nutrients that comes from garlic, which is also unpopular with many people? It is a rich, broad spectrum consisting of selenium, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and manganese, calcium, iron, copper and potassium, themakes the garlic. Many gardeners enrich these nutrients in the form of synthetic fertilizers, which are not as effective and can also be toxic. Simply use garlic and give your plants the nutrients they need naturally.

Garlic decoction against pests: How to make the remedy

The preparation of the product is extremely simple and can be done quickly and safely by yourself. You need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml water
  • A head of garlic
  • 1 spray bottle

How to prepare the broth:

  • First, you need to chop all the garlic cloves of the garlic bulb in the blender into a uniform mass. Alternatively, you can of course also use the garlic press or pestle to chop the raw material. However, this takes a little more effort.
  • Now add the water and mix everything again for about 2 minutes.
  • Now fill the liquid into a glass container. A plastic container would also be functional, but glass is better for the purpose.
  • Cover the container with a rag and leave it in a dark corner for 1-2 days.
  • After the ripening time, strain the liquid to remove the garlic residue.
  • Now you can dilute the concentrate obtained in this way in 3.5 to 4 liters of water and pour it into a spray bottle for use.

Tip: Store the remaining liquid in the refrigerator. This way it stays fresh and you can use it for another 1 to 2 months.

Correct application of the product to your plants

Pour the liquid into a mist bottle. This way you avoid overwatering and at the same time ensure that the product gets where it needs to go. Feel free to spray the product near the roots, on the trunks or stems and in the foliage of your plants. This will keep all kinds of weeds and pests away. The frequency of use should not be exaggerated. So don't spray your plants with the product every day, but use it about twice a week. A lot doesn't always help a lot: as with other living beings, including plants, you should pay attention to the dosage when using any means and not overdo it.

Other application methods

You can also use the garlic broth at the garden boundaries to generously protect the entire area of ​​your garden and to signal as soon as you approach that it is uncomfortable for vermin. You can also spray the liquid onto the garden soil itself and achieve a fertilizing effect that makes your garden soil fertile and resilient.