Aphid home remedies: What really works and what doesn't? How to get rid of small pests naturally and safely

The aphids are back. The little plant vampires attack your favorite plants and take away their strength. They have to leave, that's clear, but how? If you don't want to use chemicals right away, try the following natural ways and home remedies to get rid of the small pests or keep their numbers in balance. Using home remedies for aphids is extremely worthwhile, as you maintain the natural ecological balance in your garden and do not accumulate toxins. Try it, you will be surprised and amazed.

Aphid Home Remedies: First, strike the right balance

Often people mean too well and would rather fertilize the plants a little more rather than less. But this doesn't do the plants any favors, because they are weakened and are thus weakenedmore accessible to aphids. So fertilize at normal levels so that the plants are strong enough to cope with small aphid infestations on their own. It is also sometimes beneficial not to remove all the aphids in one radical attack, as this will also remove the beneficial insects from the garden and make it more susceptible to future, larger aphid infestations. So always try to maintain a healthy balance.

Aphid Home Remedies: Simple, non-toxic and effective pest removal

You can get rid of the pests with the following variants. Without polluting the environment or spreading toxins into your garden that also harm your health.

If the infestation is light, remove aphids manually

You can also remove the aphids by hand if you don't mind getting your hands a little dirty or putting in a little effort to carefully work your way through the infested areas. This makes particular sense if the infestation is mild and only affects a few plants. Alternatively, if there are only a few branches, you can cut them off and get rid of the pests. Place the cut, infected branches in water to eliminate the aphids and protect your plants from another attack. You can wear regular gardening gloves to do this.

Fight aphids naturally: A concentrated jet of water

This method is useful for stronger plants, but is not suitable for more fragile plants. Spray the plant areas with a stronger jet of water. You can do this by using a suitable garden hose nozzle or simply using your finger to reduce the opening of the garden hose and thus create a more powerful jet. Use this method carefully so as not to harm the plant.

Try neem oil

The use of neem oil, which is now available in well-stocked garden centers, is ideal for several reasons. It not only repels aphids, but also other pests such as cabbage caterpillars, ants, beetles, scale insects, caterpillars and also protects the plantfrom further fungal attack. When handling neem oil, pay attention to its dosage. Use only a small amount according to the instructions or choose a ready-diluted product and use a spray bottle to spray the plant.

Aphid home remedies: Use of essential oils

The use of appropriate essential oils is another environmentally friendly option to effectively deal with pest infestations without unbalancing the ecosystem. It should also be used very sparingly as it is very strong and should be well chosen. Because not everyoneessential oilis suitable for treating plants. Suitable oils, of which you just add about 4 - 5 drops into a small spray bottle filled with water and mix, are: clove, peppermint, rosemary and thyme. The cocktail, which is deadly for the pests, also destroys their larvae and eggs.

Settle beneficial insects in your garden

You can actually order beneficial insects online to add to your garden to create a natural balance. For example, ladybugs, parasitic wasps or, if you like, earwigs are among the beneficial insects that like to feed on aphids and thus keep them in a natural way. When ordering the animals, please remember that they are living creatures. So when the colony arrives at your home, unpack the animals immediately and settle them in your new home as quickly as possible to save them stress.

If you help the birds, the birds will help you

Birds such as tits and wrens also like to have aphids as a small snack between meals. It is often enough to invite the animals into your garden by simply installing a bird feeder with some bird food. Even if they allow you to nest in a small tangled corner of your garden, the animals will thank you by keeping the pest population in your garden low. You can also bring a little song with you in the morning and it will really lift the mood in the garden.