Creating a herb spiral - instructions for a herb garden with a pond

The herb snail is a small spiral-shaped raised bed - the space-saving construction fits even in an allotment garden. We will show you two very simple building instructions with and without a garden pond. Dare to create a herbal spiral - the result will be worth it!

Since the spiral covers different growing conditions, it needs to be planned well. Below you will find a construction plan as an example of the cardinal directions, the garden pond and the dimensions. You must note the following:

Diesimple herbal spiralis built from natural stones or bricks. First start with the garden pond, then build the herb snail step by step. The different zones are marked on the sketch. 1 stands for wet zone, 2 for humus-rich soil with drainage and 3 for permeable soil /dry zone/. At the end of the article you will find a video with the construction instructions, and the end result was definitely worth it.

Plants that you can plant according to the coordinate system are as follows:

  1. Watercress and mint N, D1, F3
  2. Marigold, parsley W, D1, F2
  3. Marigold, lemongrass, thyme, dill, chamomile S, D2, F2
  4. Estragon, Kurkuma, Mariendistel – E, D2, F2
  5. Coriander N, D2, F2
  6. Chia W, D3, F1
  7. Oregano S, D3, F1
  8. Rosemary 0, D3, F1

The second suggestion is for beginners who prefer to avoid the pond. The construction sketch is much simpler - you just need to keep in mind that lavender needs to enjoy sunlight all day / or most of the day /. So the most favorable direction for lavender is actually south/west.