With its orange “Lampions”, the lantern flower in the garden is a unique eye -catcher. What should you pay attention to when care? Which location is optimal for the lampion flower and how often should you fertilize or water it?
The lampion flower belongs to the family of nightshade plants and is now also cultivated in this country as an ornamental plant in the garden. You are also known as a bladder, lantern flower or Jewish cherry and is definitely an unmistakable eye -catcher in your own garden. With the filigree appearance and the bright oranges “lantern”, the plant among hobby gardeners is considered a real work of art of mother nature. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener - in the following we created a detailed guide for you how toLampion flower in the gardenCreate and maintain properly.
Which location for the lampion flower in the garden?
The right location is of crucial importance so that the lampion flower in the garden flourished and enchanted with its beautiful flowers. The plant likes a sunny and wind -protected place with a humus and nutrient -rich soil. As long as the ground conditions are correct, the lantern flower can also grow in partial shade - however, the earth should always be slightly moist and must not dry out completely. A normal to calcareous soil with pH value of 4.5 to 6.5 and a sandy floor should be improved with compost or plant soil as required.
When plants lampion flower?
And here the good news - if the floor is not frozen, you can grow the lantern flower in the garden all year round. However, planting in October or spring - either in small groups or individually. Planting in spring and early summer guarantees the Staufen a good growth, because there is enough soil and moisture at that time.
First remove all root of herbs and dig a hole that is about twice as wide and deep as the root ball. Then you should water the lampion flower thoroughly and plant it in the garden. However, note that the plant spreads quite quickly and lush. To avoid this, it is recommended to set a root lock. A thin layer of mulch ensures that the plant does not dry out. And if you wonder if you have to hibernate the lantern flower, the answer to it is no. Fortunately, the plant is hardy and can survive the cold months without hesitation outdoors.
How to fertilize the lampion flower?
All hobby gardeners know-regular fertilization is essential for healthy growth and a lush flower. However, there is a little caution in the lampion flower in the garden - too high fertilizers reduce the berries approach and lead to greater growth.
It would be best if you supply the plant with long -term fertilizers in spring. It gradually supplies the lantern flower with all important nutrients and also promotes humus formation. In addition, you can spend a thin layer rotted compost in late autumn or winter. If you hold lantern flower in the pot, a liquid fertilizer andThe fertilizationShould take place every two weeks from May to July.
How often pour?
As already mentioned, the lampion flower in the garden prefers a slightly moist and not dry soil. If the floor dries out too much, there can be a leaf loss and we don't want that, right? However, the perennial tolerates no waterlogging. To promote healthy growth, pour the flowers regularly during dry periods. A layer of mulch reduces weed growth and preserves the moisture in the soil. So that the water can penetrate optimally to the roots, it is rather not advised by a daily water with smaller quantities.
Fortunately, the lampion flower in the garden is particularly easy to care for and does not require any special care. However, the plant can spread very quickly and above ground and displace the neighboring plants. This can be prevented either by a regular pruning or a root lock.
The white flowers such as small pearls appear from June and new fruits and flowers form in the right care until autumn. Since the stems of the plant serve as frost protection in winter, it is best to cut the lantern flowers back in spring. However, dead stems and leaves can easily cut them during flowering.
Usually the lampion flower in the garden is resistant to all diseases and pests and is very rarely affected by snails or aphids. If you have nevertheless noticed harmful, remove them either manually or with an environmentally friendly combatant.
How to dry the lampion flower?
Really dried, lampion flowers keep their bright color over several months and look really beautiful in autumnal arrangements. Even as a curtain for at home, you can thread the fine pearls on binding or gold wire and use it as a autumn decoration. To dry lantern flowers, place the flowers with the stem in a container with a little water and leave the container in a warm and dark place. Fill water regularly and let the plants dry very slowly, because this is the only way to keep your natural and beautiful look.