Growing chard: We give helpful tips on how you can sow the healthy vegetable directly into the bed from June onwards

Chard is a leafy green vegetable known for its nutritional value and is popular with gardeners because it is so easy to grow. It is a plant that can be replanted over and over again, that produces for a long time and that is also cold resistant. If you want to grow chard, here's everything you need to know. According to the planting calendar, you can sow many types of vegetables directly into the bed from June onwards - chard is one of them. The vegetables are a wonderful addition to soups, dips and baked dishes. The taste is reminiscent of spinach and the stems come in different colors – green, red, purple, yellow, among others

Why is chard a healthy vegetable?

The chard isa nutritious vegetable, which is an excellent source of copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium, as well as vitamins A, C and K. Although it belongs to the beet family, it is commonly associated with other leafy vegetables such as kale, lettuce or spinach. The most colorful varieties of chard contain anti-inflammatory substances. But you also need to know that the vegetable contains oxalic acid, so you should only consume it in moderation if you are watching your oxalate intake for optimal kidney health.

How to grow and care for chard

Enough planting distance in the garden bed

Chard seeds often come in clusterstwo to three seedsso some thinning is probably necessary. Plant the seeds about 1 to 2 cm deep and 7 to 10 cm apart.

Plant outdoors

Some gardeners prefer to start germination indoors to control the humidity and temperature of the environment. If you transplant chard in early June, be careful not to damage the root ball. If you have seedlings, plant them 10 to 20 cm apart. You can always harvest young plants if things get too crowded. When thinning, it's best to cut plants rather than pull them out so you don't injure the roots of the remaining plants.

Find the right location in the garden

Chard plants need full sun with light or partial shade to grow well. Choose a planting spot that receives about six hours of sun per day.

Chard likes loamy soil

Prepare the soil. Chard plants prefer well-drained, loamy soil with an average to slightly acidic pH between 6.0 and 7.0. If you don't know whether your soil is acidic or alkaline, you can do a soil test.

Water vegetables appropriately

Keep the soil evenly moist but not too wet. A layer of mulch around plants can help retain moisture in the soil. Chard needs about two inches of water per week to thrive. If the soil feels too dry, consider extending the watering schedule by an inch. If the weather is cooler in the spring, water the vegetables about once a week if there is no rain. Increase watering to two or even three times a week if the air temperature increases significantly.

Growing chard: Don't forget fertilizers

Adding compost or manure in the middle of the season provides the chard plants with nutrients. The organic and biological substances,that live in the compost, activate the soil ingredients (fungi, bacteria and minerals), promote the immunity of your plants and extend the lifespan of your crops. If you have poor soil, fertilize with an organic vegetable fertilizer, following label directions.

Growing chard: good companion plant

Chard works well as a companion plant, meaning you can grow it near other vegetables like beans, cauliflower, and onions. Companion planting has many benefits such as better plant growth, pest control and maximizing garden space.

Fight pests in the garden

Chard is susceptible to pests such as blister beetles, aphids and leaf miners. Pests or insects nibbling on your vegetables are an inevitable part of caring for your own garden. Best to usea natural remedyto combat vermin. You should be careful with pesticides because they can harm both beneficial insects and animals that feed on them. Before making a purchase, seek advice from the experts at the garden center. To keep larger animals from eating your plants, consider enclosing the garden with netting or fencing.

Growing chard – recognizing diseases

While it is not susceptible to disease, conditions such as over- or under-watering can make it susceptible, resulting in damaged plant tissue and stunted growth. Fungal diseases such as downy mildew, powdery mildew, seedling rot, root rot caused by soil oversaturation (a conditionwhich is attractive to snails) are known for vegetables. Remove and discard any leaves damaged by animals, insects, or disease.

Harvest the vegetables

As soon as the chard is fully grown and its outer leaves are green and tender, it is ready to harvest. When your chard plants are about 10 – 20 cm tall, use a sharp tool such as pruning shears to separate the older leaves from the plant. Don't harvest the entire plant - the young leaves need more time to grow and can be harvested later in the season.

Save the seeds

If you grow chard as an annual plant, your plants will not go to seed. However, if your plants overwinter and sprout again next spring, you can enjoy tiny green flowers that go to seed at the end of the growing season.