Cutting a wet hedge: Can you cut a hedge during or immediately after it rains?

The heat wave and the dry phase appear to be coming to an end nationwide, at least in the short term: it is raining heavily in Germany. The storm should finally be over at the weekend and then you can finally roll up your sleeves and trim the hedge. But then the question arises as to whether wet hedge plants can be cut or whether it is better to wait and see. We explain what you should do during or immediately after rain.

When should you not trim a wet hedge?

It is not a good idea to trim a wet hedge during heavy rain or immediately after heavy rain. Assuming it will continue to rain in the next few days. The following speak against this, among others:

  • Wet leaves are heavier and require significantly more effort.
  • It is not always possible to identify diseased, dried out and woody shoots.
  • you can injure garden animals that have hidden in the hedge from the rain. Even a bird's nest can go unnoticed.
  • Immediately after the rain or when it rains, the branches weigh more and bend. It is therefore almost impossible to trim the hedge into shape or shorten anything.
  • There are dangers associated with handling power tools in the rain or immediately after the rain. You should therefore definitely avoid using cordless and electrically operated garden shears.
  • Immediately after the rain, not only the hedge but also the ground is wet. The risk of slipping increases and you can injure yourself when trimming the hedge. Especially if you have to climb a ladder to shorten the hedge, things can quickly become very dangerous.
  • When cutting the hedge, they can injure leaves and shoots. These cracks are entry points for bacteria and fungi, which quickly spread.
  • Fresh cuts cannot heal and close up when it rains. They are also entry points for various pathogens.

Cutting wet hedges: In these cases it is possible

When it comes to a strong storm that has already passed and the sun is already shining the next day, you can make a caring cut. It is best not to cut the hedge early in the morning for this purpose, but rather wait until the leaves can dry. Even if there are wet leaves here and there, you can trim the hedge.

However, an important prerequisite for cutting is that you wear suitable protective clothing in case the pruning shears slip.

First check the roots of the hedge plants - these can be damaged after a storm. In this case, you should give the hedge plants some time to recover and only then cut them back.

In summer, only topiary cuts are permitted - you should therefore only shorten the hedge slightly. The less you cut off, the faster she will recover.

It is also important that you thin out the hedge a little. This allows the air to circulate freely, the cuts heal faster and the leaves dry without any problems.

Even if there is a pest infestation, you should not wait, but act as quickly as possible and cut off the affected parts of the plant (if necessary).

Fertilizing and watering after cutting can be omitted. Additional fertilizer applications can damage the sensitive hedge bushes and lead to rot. Instead, it means – be patient and leave the hedge alone so that it can recover.