With proper care, the summer-blooming phlox can delight us with its magnificent flowers well into autumn. But should you cut phlox after flowering in autumn, or wait until spring to prune? We clarify.
Cutting phlox: when is the right time?
The phlox comes in different varieties. A distinction is made between annual and perennial species, low and tall growth forms and different flowering times. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about uniform care and the right time for pruning will depend on the specific species.
No pruning is necessary for annual species. Perennials and ground covers, on the other hand, should be pruned regularly.
The tall phlox, for example, is a remontant perennial. During the flowering period in summer, pruning the umbels that have not yet completely faded can lead to a second flowering. Thus theFlowering time extendedand you can enjoy the plant's splendid colors well into autumn. And what about after the second blossom in autumn? Should you cut the flame flower or leave the withered inflorescences? It depends on whether the phlox blooms early or late.
Pruning is not necessary for cushion phlox because the plant retreats into the rootstock in autumn and its above-ground part dies. The faded carpet pile is only cleaned out in autumn. By cutting back in early summer, the ground cover can be stimulated to bloom again. The shoots are shortened by a third.
Is phlox hardy?
Most species of phlox are hardy and perennial. The perennial phlox can withstand temperatures down to -20 °C. This applies to both the creeping species and the phlox paniculata. Don't forget to water the plant on frost-free days and protect it with fleece during severe frosts and it will survive the winter without any problems.
When does it make sense to prune the flame flower in autumn?
After the flowering period is over, the upper parts of the phlox dry up. At this point, the hobby gardener asks himself whether he can cut off the withered shoots to give the garden a better look. This is certainly possible by cutting the plant back to a hand's width above the ground. This works best for early blooming phloxes, with pruning done in the fall. For perennials that bloom into autumn, it would make more sense to leave the dried shoots on the plant, as they function as natural winter protection. They also serve as winter quarters for insects.
Basically:You cut early-flowering Phlox species in autumn, and late-flowering ones - shortly before new growth in spring.
Cut perennial phlox in autumn to create order in the garden
Nobody likes dead perennials in the garden. To create order in the bed, you can cut them in autumn. To ensure that your flame flower presents its bright flowers in the garden as early as possible next year, you need to plan on pruning it in autumn before winter sets in.
How to do it correctly:
- Gather the dried shoots into a bundle and bend them to the side.
- Using a sharp knife or secateurs, cut the stems about 10 cm above the ground.
- Add the cut stems to compost or use as mulch for cold-sensitive plants (if they show no signs of infection, such as powdery mildew).
If the perennial has already formed seeds, you should collect them before cutting to avoid them spreading. If you want to sow the seeds, keep them in a cool and dry place and sow them in spring.
Tipp:If you want to prevent your flame flower from self-seeding, you should cut off the withered flowers in autumn.
Cut phlox and protect it from mildew
Phlox can be at its best from late spring to the end of summer, but as temperatures cool, it will fade. Another reason thatCut back the perennial in late autumn, is powdery mildew. Phlox is susceptible to powdery mildew, especially if the foliage is wet for long periods of time. Even mildew-resistant varieties have a higher risk of infection in cool and wet autumn months.
Tipp:Destroy any leaves showing signs of mildew and disinfect the shears before pruning other plants.