Autumn is the right time to enrich the compost heap with clippings and green waste. So that the pile doesn't overflow and the compost can be distributed in the spring, you should speed up the process. There are several home remedies that make compost rot faster. We will explain to you how you can make the compost accelerator yourself.
What is a compost accelerator
A compost accelerator is an agent that can be used for greenery and...Add kitchen wasteto accelerate the rotting processes. In some cases it can prove to be a welcome help.
This is how the compost rots faster in summer:Composting can be a challenge in the summer. Worms and garden soil can support the process, but the compost heap also needs “fuel” so that nitrogen-rich compost is ultimately created.
Compost green waste in the fall: Especially in autumn there is a lot of green waste that has to be processed somehow. A sustainable option is to chop it up and compost it. But the large amount of green waste decomposes very slowly - with wood it can take up to two years until it is completely decomposed. But you can help.
Make your own compost accelerator: What benefits does it bring?
This is why a compost accelerator is useful:
- It contains microorganisms that actively participate in the decomposition of green waste.
- It offers easy-to-process nutrients such as sugars that promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and fungi.
- A compost accelerator contains nitrogen and promotes the production of nitrogen-rich compost.
In these cases you should avoid using compost accelerators:
- If the garden soil contains a lot of nitrogen anyway. You can check the soil condition in a laboratory.
- If the soil is loose and airy.
- If you add the green waste to already rotted compost.
This allows the compost to rot more quickly
To help the compost rot faster, these tricks can help:
- Stir regularly
- It's better to have several small ones than one big pile
- Balance between the individual components in the pile: Not only mix green waste and kitchen waste, but also regularly add autumn leaves, sawdust and even paper.
- Water the pile regularly with warm water.
- Use a quick composter - the pile reaches the necessary temperature much faster to start the process.
- Order worms.
Make your own compost accelerator: recipe with beer instead of yeast
Yeast can speed up rotting. But if you don't have dry yeast at home, you can make beer instead. The next home remedy provides food for bacteria to break down garden waste. You need:
- 4 liters of hot water
- 1 can of beer (dark)
- 1 can of Cola (with sugar)
- 100 ml Ammoniakwasser
1. First pour the hot water into a bucket (at least 5 liter capacity). The microorganisms that decompose green waste are mostly bacteria and fungi - and they multiply and are active in high humidity and heat.
2. Open the beer can and leave it at room temperature for 24 hours to allow the carbon dioxide to escape. It's best to buy dark beer. It contains yeast and can accelerate the rotting processes. Pour the beer into the bucket
3. Proceed similarly with the Coke can - leave it open at room temperature for 24 hours so that the carbon dioxide can escape. Shake the cola into the bucket too.
4. Then fill the ammonia water into the container and stir the whole thing well.
5. Shake the compost accelerator into the composter. Add about 2 - 3 full scoops of garden soil. There are millions of beneficial microorganisms in garden soil that can also accelerate decomposition.
6. Now you have to stir the pile daily.
Home remedies with dry yeast and molasses (sugar syrup) for the quick composter
In the quick composter, kitchen waste decomposes much more quickly. You can promote the process with the next home remedy.
- AAdd kitchen waste
- 50 ml Melasse
- 18 liter bucket
- warm water
- 2 shovels of garden soil
1. First put the garden soil in the bucket. Place the bucket in a sunny spot in the garden.
2. Add the dry yeast and molasses.
3. Fill the bucket almost to the top with warm water.
4. Let the compost accelerator steep for two days.
5. Fill it into the quick composter, stir the waste and close the lid.
Speeding Up Composting: Common Problems and Possible Solutions
After the compost accelerator is added, the decomposition process should be accelerated. But if composting still surprisingly doesn't work, then it could be because:
- They didn't chop the green waste. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will rot.
- You stir the pile too often/too rarely. Wait until the temperature in the pile reaches 70 degrees Celsius. Then you can stir the compost pile.
- If the pile smells bad, add the paper and fall leaves to balance the materials in the composter.
- If the temperature in the pile does not increase, you can add green waste.