Trellis for wisteria: Which ones are suitable and how can you make one yourself?

Whether you want to plant wisteria, also known as wisteria, in your garden or maintain an existing one, proper support is essential. In this article we will tell you which trellis is suitable for wisteria and how you can make one yourself.

Which support structures are suitable for Wisteria?

Wisteria can be planted on a trellis, pergola, arbor, fence or similar support structure. They can easily grow up to 9 m long and very heavy. Therefore, it is important that you choose a sturdy support structure and keep the vines to a manageable size through regular pruning.

  • Tipp: If you have limited space, it's best to choose an American wisteria such as Wisteria frutescens, which grows less aggressively than the Asian species such as Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) and Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda).

When planting a new wisteria, choose a spot in the garden that receives at least 5 to 6 hours of sunlight daily and is protected from strong winds.

Growing wisteria on a pergola:Planting wisteria on a pergola is one of the best ways to enjoy the beauty of the long flower clusters hanging from the pergola. Since wisteria can be several centimeters thick and very heavy, you need a pergola with sturdy wooden posts that are securely anchored in the ground with concrete foundations. You can orient the vine so that it grows around the post, or use garden twine to secure it to the post so that it grows straight up.

  • Tipp: Encourage upward growth of the main vine by removing side shoots as the vine grows.

Grow wisteria in a pot with a trellis: You can also grow wisteria in a large pot with a trellis to control its spread if space in your garden is an issue. As the wisteria grows larger, you may need to choose another option and repot.

Growing wisteria on a wall:Another way to support wisteria is to plant it against a wall. To do this, you need to attach brackets to the wall and lay galvanized wire between the brackets. It's best to attach the brackets and wire before planting, as it is more difficult to install them if the wisteria is already in the ground. Once the wisteria has reached the top of the wall, you should encourage it to grow horizontally by tying it up.

More ideas for trellis support for wisteriayou can find here!

How can you make a climbing aid for wisteria yourself?

By building a wooden trellis, you can help your wisteria grow and stay healthy. In no time you will have an incredible display of flowers to decorate your home with. Here we will show you how you can build a climbing aid for wisteria yourself.

Step 1: Get good quality wooden boards. The size and number of these hardwood boards depends on how large the trellis you want to build.

  • Tipp: Use a hardwood that does not rot easily, such as white oak or mahogany.

Step 2: Place 2 wooden boards next to each other. These 2 boards will be the vertical edges of your trellis. So place them at a distance from each other that corresponds to the width of your trellis.

Step 3: Place one horizontal board at the top of the frame and one at the bottom. These 4 boards form a square frame for the trellis.

  • Tipp: To make the trellis sturdy, apply a generous layer of wood glue between the horizontal and vertical boards.

Step 4:Drill the parts. Use a drill and screws to attach the outer frame for your trellis.

  • Notice: If you applied wood glue to the parts of your trellis, allow it to cure before drilling - this can take up to 24 hours.

Step 5:Measure the distance from the top to the bottom of the trellis. This will help you mark the positions for your horizontal boards. Using a pencil, mark the spots on the left vertical board 1/3 and 2/3 of the way from bottom to top. Mark the same points on the right vertical board.

Step 6:Attach the horizontal boards to the frame. Place the horizontal boards between the marks and screw them into place with a power drill.

  • Tipp: The trellis will be more stable if you apply a layer of wood glue between the horizontal boards and the frame before screwing them together.

Final steps to complete your wisteria trellis

Step 7:Turn the trellis over. Once you have attached the horizontal boards to your trellis, flip it over and begin attaching the vertical boards.

  • Notice: Your trellis should be level with all horizontal boards (including the frame) and with all vertical boards (including the frame).

Step 8:Measure the distance from the left side to the right side of the trellis. Use this measurement to decide where to place the vertical boards within the frame of the trellis. For this trellis, mark the locations on the bottom board 1/3 of the distance from the furthest left point and again 2/3 of the distance from the furthest left point. Make the same marks on the top board.

Step 9:Attach the vertical boards to the frame.

  • Notice: For added strength, first apply a generous coat of wood glue to the trellis. Wait 24 hours for the glue to harden, then screw the vertical boards into the frame.