Lawn turns yellow after winter

Often seasonal changes can cause a normally green lawn to turn yellow after winter or after cold seasons. As a rule, the winter months from December to February are rainy, cold and dark. There can be as little as 8 hours of daylight per day, with the sun rarely visible. Many plants overwinter because it is not worthwhile for them to produce food. Trees shed their leaves and herbaceous plants die completely to the ground. However, certain types of lawns are hardy and can maintain green leaves even in freezing temperatures, snow or frost. Several events and factors during the winter season can still cause yellowing lawns. If you are also dealing with such a problem, here are some useful information and tips that can help you get your grass area back in order.

What influences make the lawn yellow after winter?

The temperature of the soil determines the growth rate of the grass. When cold weather hits, grass growth slows. Should you atMowing the grassCut too short and you may only be left with yellow or brown grass. Low mowing should therefore only be done in the first spring cut. Another obvious reason why the lawn turns yellow in winter is of course hibernation.

Warm-season grasses, like Bermuda grass, naturally turn yellow and brown as they go dormant for the winter. There are different ways withyellow spots in the lawnincluding leaving lawns discolored or over-seeded with cooler season grass seeds. However, there are other reasons why lawns turn yellow after winter.

Other causes of yellowing lawns after the winter season

Leaves on grass plants can dry out due to cold winds. Fungal infections take their toll on old leaves. Grass also draws its food reserves into the core of the plant to keep it alive during the winter dormancy period. Accordingly, new leaves do not grow back, so damaged, old grass leaves remain on the lawn and turn yellow. Rotting and the associated processes in the lawn and soil also slow down. The material is not recycled into nutrients as quickly as in summer.

In addition, chlorosis is also one of the influencing factors. This condition is caused by a lack of iron in the soil. The grass therefore struggles to find the right nutrients. This can cause the lawn to look yellow and very worn after winter. The grass above contains a lot of discoloration, but the good news is that there is often nothing to worry about.

All lawns go through a difficult time in winter where they look untidy. So if you want to get your lawn back in order, run a good lawnmower over it on high speed. This will allow you to remove winter dirt, twigs and old grass leaves, which will accordingly improve the appearance of the lawn.

Lawns turn yellow in winter due to drying out

If higher elevations in your lawn turn yellow after winter, it may be due to drying out in general. This can happen either due to strong wind or lack of irrigation, or even when there is a thick snow cover. The plant's roots, sitting in frozen or dry soil, cannot absorb water, causing ice crystals to form in the grass plant's cells. The correct wintering of theLawn in autumnhelps prevent dehydration. This also includes continuing to water the lawn after summer and into fall. Water every two weeks in winter when the ground is not frozen and temperatures are above freezing.

Can so-called snow mold make lawns yellow after winter?

Snow mold is the common name for a lawn disease caused by overfertilization, poor soil conditions or temperature fluctuations. This discolors the lawn and leads to yellow spots that can reach a diameter of approx. 30 cm. Sometimes the lawn even appears pink or whitish when wet. Lawns under a blanket of snow on unfrozen ground can also be even more susceptible to snow mold. To prevent this, mow the lawn during the fall and reduce the mats where the mold can grow. Rake that tooLeaves on the lawnbefore the first snowfall. Also use the fungicide appropriate for your region.

What to do if lawns turn yellow due to leaf rust?

Leaf rust is also a fungal disease that affects grass in the summer but makes it more vulnerable in the winter. A lawn affected by such rust takes on a yellow to orange hue, and if the infestation is severe, the grass dies. Control this by providing regular inspection and lawn care, such as consistent fertilizing, mowing and watering. Remove grass clippings after mowing the lawn and apply a fungicide before winter.

Prevention of fungal infections

Weakened and old grass leaves and low nutrient levels can also expose your lawns to fungal diseases. Keep an eye out for ascomycetes. If you see any signs, a winter fertilization with potassium will help give the grass a boost, especially if it's been a wet winter. Treat the lawn with a fungicide in winter if such a fungal infection has become widespread.

The key to good lawn care in winter is patience, although your primary goal should be to get your lawn into spring as undamaged as possible. As the temperature rises, new leaves grow and the lawns become lush and green again. It is otherwise completely normal for some grass leaves to turn yellow in winter.