Scarifying and reseeding the lawn in autumn: with these tips you can do it right

To keep your lawn healthy and strong, scarifying is one of the best things you can do in the fall. After an invasive treatment like dethatching, you should always help the grass recover. By reseeding the lawn, you are helping to strengthen the grass for the next season. You can find out how to scarify and re-seed your lawn in this article.

Overseeding an existing lawn requires a little more attention, and we'll give you tips on how to go about it. By following these steps, you will have successful lawn care and enjoy a healthy lawn.

Scarify the lawn in autumn

First, we'll give you some important tips on how to get yoursScarify the lawn properly. Follow these tips and your lawn will thank you.

  • For best results, cut the grass to a length of 3 to 5 cm before scarifying.
  • For optimal moss removal, dig a maximum of 5 mm into the topsoil - this is enough to cut through the upper roots of the grass plants.
  • When scarifying, start lengthwise and then at a 45 degree angle - this way you can be sure you cover the entire lawn.
  • To achieve optimal results, you should scarify the lawn at least twice. This will ensure that any areas you missed are uncovered.
  • After scarifying, remove all material from the lawn.
  • And if your lawn is in particularly bad condition, scarify it a third time.
  • How often to scarify? When the turf reaches a depth of 2 cm (or more), you should scarify annually. If the layer is less than 1 cm deep, you can scarify every two years.

Why reseed the lawn?

After scarifying, you will need to repair any weak or thin areas of the lawn. The grass may have been damaged by drought during the summer months. Reseeding helps to get the lawn back into top condition.

Overseeding improves the properties of the lawn. It can also be used to create a resilient turf that can withstand wear and tear, which is particularly important if you have children or pets or the lawn is subject to heavy use.

When is the best time to reseed

Reseeding should be done when the soil is warm and moist, which is usually early fall. During this time, daytime temperatures are still warm enough to promote growth and nights are cooler, giving the new seedlings a break from the heat.

How to proceed with reseeding

Before reseeding, the soil must be sufficiently moistened because the seeds need water to germinate and root. You also need to mow the lawn briefly before overseeding.

  • Spread the seeds by hand or with a spreader in different directions, e.g. B. from north to south, then from south to north and from east to west etc. This ensures even coverage.
  • Then roll the lawn. If you don't have a roller, a roller lawn mower can be just as effective. Another option is to tread the lawn up and down to make good contact with the seed.

What care should you take after scarifying and reseeding the lawn?

Once you've finished scarifying and reseeding, you'll need to water your lawn. How much should I water after scarifying and reseeding? Make sure the lawn is evenly moist. The soil needs to receive 2.5 cm of water. Water every day until the grass seeds germinate, which can take 10 to 14 days. Stop watering when there is a risk of frost.

Lawns not only need air and water, but also nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Feed your lawn after reseeding to help it grow strong, healthy roots. Fertilization can also be done after sowing, provided it is carried out correctly. Be careful not to over-fertilize. Compost is suitable as fertilizer after reseeding. This is how your lawn will bereceive the necessary nutrients.