Fertilizing your lawn when it rains: Helpful tips on how to care for your lawn in August!

Fertilize your lawn when it rains? While fertilizing your lawn might not be the first thing that comes to mind when it's pouring rain, lawn care experts say it can definitely make sense to do so!

In August, you may think your lawn care duties are coming to an end. As summer comes to an end, mowing and fertilizing the lawn are probably not at the top of your list of tasks to do. August is – perhaps surprisingly – one of the most important months for lawn care. It's the time of year when you have two tasks to fulfill: keeping the lawn beautiful and preparing it for the long winter sleep. If you want a beautiful lawn in May, you need to start planning now.

Fertilizing lawns when it rains – advantages and disadvantages

If you know anything about fertilizing a lawn, you know thisexcellent fertilizersusually need to be soaked to maximize their effectiveness. Letting the rain do the work is the easiest and most environmentally friendly option, but it also has its drawbacks.

Which fertilizer to use when it rains?

Working during or just before rain will make the soil moist, making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients and ensuring they receive the nutrients they need for growth and development. The risk of over-fertilization, which can cause plant damage or even burns, is reduced if the fertilizer is diluted with precipitation. You can save time, effort and money by working this way instead of pouring the fertilizer into the ground with a hose or watering can.

However, before you use rainwater for your garden projects, there are a few important points to keep in mind. The choice of fertilizer, for example, has a big influence. To promote optimal absorption into the soil, it is recommended to use a solid, pelleted fertilizer instead of a liquid fertilizer. If you fertilize your lawn with liquid fertilizer and it rains shortly afterwards, the fertilizer will be washed away or diluted to the point where it is no longer effective. The main advantage of fertilizing when it rains is that it initiates the decomposition of a dry fertilizer, which is not necessary when using liquid fertilizer.

The right time for fertilization

When caring for and fertilizing your lawn with great care, keep the following in mind: Heavy rains could wash away all your hard work, which is why light or moderate rain is preferable. Avoid fertilizing your lawn immediately before or after heavy rainfall. The grass may not be able to absorb the fertilizer's nutrients if there is too much water in the soil. Therefore, make sure that the precipitation is only light and the wind is not too strong.

Wait for dry weather and pour the fertilizer yourself if you don't feel like trying your hand at being a fortune teller. This will prevent the fertilizer from scorching your lawn and ensure that it dissolves evenly and is fully absorbed by the lawn's root system.

Additionally, fertilizers designed to kill weeds while nourishing the grass are not used effectively with this approach. In order for the integrated herbicide to be effective, these forms must remain above the ground for a longer period of time.These fertilizersshould be hand applied at least 24 hours before expected rain or irrigation.

What else is in theTo be done in August? These tasks are important if you want to have a beautiful lawn.

Aeration of the lawn

Compaction is a big problem - compacted soil prevents grass roots from spreading, which is bad for the beneficial microorganisms that keep your lawn healthy. A healthy lawn needs aeration to survive. Lawn aeration shoes can do more harm than good, so it's best to use a specialized machine instead.

Scarify the lawn instead of aerating it

The optimal time for scarifying is late summer or early autumn. Grass recovers well in warm, moist weather, which is exactly what your lawn should have right now. Remove the sod and turn it into compost to encourage the growth of your garden. The final step is to treat the lawn and reseed with lawn seeds if necessary.

There are numerous advantages associated with this method. Water and nutrients can reach grass plants more easily when dead weeds and moss are removed. The overall health of your lawn will improve.

Mowing the lawn in August is a must

Mow the lawn about every two weeks, just as you have been doing all summer. Don't let the lawn get too dry by mowing at a low setting. Keep the lawnmowed regularlyso that it looks well-groomed and doesn't become too short. Maintaining a healthy balance between growth and moisture is crucial to a healthy lawn. If you can't get a clean cut with your lawn mower, try sharpening the blades.

Lawn seeds in the month of August

Sowing grass seeds in late summer provides optimal conditions for germination.Bald spots, caused by the summer heat and heavy use, can be eliminated by reseeding. After you have cleared the area and prepared the soil, overseeding is the best next step. It may be beneficial to apply a fertilizer a few days before sowing the grass seeds. If your lawn looks patchy or has been injured, you may want to try lawn seeds to restore it.