Promote delphinium flowering: With these tips you can enjoy long and rich flowers

Every hobby gardener has already looked at it in the garden or at least often looked at it with envy among neighbors, friends or in photos: the magnificent delphinium radiates with its lush flowers in a wide variety of colors. But in order for the flowering period to actually be as rich as expected, the plant needs the right care. Because the perennial is not that easy to care for. Maybe you're wondering why these pretty perennials don't bloom as beautifully in your garden as they do in the garden catalog? Today we would like to introduce you to a few tips that you can use to promote and improve delphinium flowering. No matter whether you are already the proud owner or are still considering adding this colorful beauty to your garden.

Promote delphinium flowering – you should pay attention to these things:

The right location is essential

Anyone who already has the magnificent perennial in their garden probably already knows that it prefers a sunny location, which can also vary with partial shade. You have guaranteed the plant this location, but you still don't want to get the lush delphinium flowers? Have you considered that the roots like it cooler?

So it's not enough to think about getting enough sun, you also have to make sure that the base of the plants is in the shade. So underplanting these tall-growing perennials would be optimal. Lower perennials such as ground cover, for example, are suitable. Alternatively, you can also look for a location under trees or taller bushes and hedges. Larkspurs should then stay there for a few hoursdirect sunlightwhile they stand in the shade of these plants for the rest of the day.

Water the magnificent perennial appropriately

So many leaves and so many flowers... of course they all need enough water, so the need increases over time. And especially in summer, the risk of underwatering is very high, which you should definitely avoid if you want to stimulate lush delphinium flowers. That definitely means daily watering, toothrough an irrigation systemcan be made significantly easier. In this way, you once again support the plant's need to have cool roots.

Fertilize delphiniums, but do so correctly!

Such a breathtaking flower demands a lot of strength from a plant. It's no surprise that delphiniums need plenty of nutrients, especially in spring when they sprout new growth. That's why the supply begins at this point and compost, but also horn meal, is particularly suitable.

However, since these flowering plantsreal heavy eatersThat's not all, because you also need strength from nutrients for a splendid flowering period. For this reason, you should also supply them with fertilizer about every three weeks during this time, ideally with a liquid fertilizer. You can reduce the frequency of fertilizer applications by choosing slow-release fertilizers instead. The liquid versions are used up quite quickly.

Stimulate a second delphinium bloom by cutting the delphinium

As beautiful as the bloom was, are you somehow sad that it's already over? Then we'll tell you something: You can encourage a second delphinium flower and for this purpose you have to cut off the old flowers. However, you are doing this quite drastically. When you cut back the delphinium, do so to a height of just 10cm above the ground.

Important: The plant then needs a certain amount of time to sprout again and reach a new flowering phase. To ensure that this happens in time, the pruning must not be carried out too late. Prune the delphinium after flowering. In addition, you must continue to adhere to or repeat the care measures already mentioned.

Propagate and/or transplant

Larkspur is perennial and, with appropriate care, will continue to delight you with flowers for years to come. However, it is not long-lived, which is why you have to add another gardening task to it, namely dividing the perennial by digging it out of the bed. But that's not all.

It is not advisable to plant them back in their original location. As we mentioned, the nutrient requirements of these perennials are extremely high, so you can expect the soil supply to be pretty much depleted after the season. And you can no longer compensate for this even with fertilizer.

Therefore, find a new place for the plants in the garden. Sharing is therefore necessary to rejuvenate them. Otherwise it will just get older and weaker, which will ultimately affect the variety of flowers.

In summary: This is how the delphinium flower is improved!

Of course, for all plants, proper care also supports growth, health and therefore lush flowering. However, there are heavy feeders such as delphiniums where the need is particularly high. A generous application of fertilizer before the delphinium blooms, which is continued continuously during the flowering period, as well as sufficient watering are essential after you have found the right location and sow delphiniums. Care continues after the flowering phase with pruning if you want a second flowering, or at the latest at the end of the season before the plant falls into hibernation and is dug up, divided and transplanted beforehand.

By the way isDelphinium poisonous. Keep this in mind if children or animals use your garden.