Water roses correctly: How much and how often should you water the plants in the pot and bed?

With their indescribable beauty, roses are the pride of every gardener. However, when the warm weather comes, they should be cared for properly and regularly to fill the garden with their enchanting scent. It is therefore particularly important to water your roses in pots and beds correctly so that they bloom magnificently and thrive. Below you will learn when and how to water your plants.

Water roses correctly: tips for efficient water supply

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, a popular surprise for every lady and a wonderful decoration for any garden. If these flowers have also won your heart, you should provide them with proper water when growing them. Roses love water as it is crucial for providing nutrients to the plant, but the right amount is crucial to promote growth and produce large, long-lasting blooms with bold color. In this article we have summarized the most important tips for watering roses.

How often should you water them?

Roses can be damaged by both too much and too little moisture. Therefore, it is important to rely on the condition of the soil and the changes in the plant and follow your own watering schedule.

Roses should generally be watered weekly from early spring through fall. In hot and dry weather, you can increase the frequency to two to three times a week by keeping an eye on the plant to see if it looks stressed.

In the fall, the roses should only be watered as needed until they go into the dormant phase. It is important to give the plants little water, even in the winter months, especially when it has not rained or snowed, in order to supply the soil with some moisture.

If you notice your roses becoming limp and wilting, water them immediately. Smaller and few flowers are also a sign that the plant is suffering from a lack of water.

Water roses correctly: how and how much?

Roses should be watered deeply in a single round of watering, preferably early in the morning to allow the water to penetrate the soil and dry slowly throughout the day. Water very slowly at the base of the plant, trying not to wet the foliage and flowers to avoid powdery mildew and black spot.

It is best to use a watering can with a shower head as a direct stream of water. If you water the roses with the garden hose, avoid the high pressure.

Established roses should be watered once a week with at least 10 liters of water. For particularly large and ripe climbing roses, the amount should be doubled. However, newly planted roses should be watered more frequently as they have not yet developed a root structure. If planted in spring or summer, they require 7 liters of water daily for the first four weeks. Reduce watering to every other day after the first month and to once weekly after about six months.

You can spray the plant with the garden hose once a week on particularly hot days to make it stronger and improve its growth. This method is also very helpful toRemove aphids quickly.

Water potted roses properly

Potted roses naturally require more water as they tend to dry out a little quicker. Depending on the material of the container, the sun can heat the pot, increasing evaporation from the soil.

When the top layer of the substrate feels dry, the plant should be watered. On hot summer days you should even water them daily. However, make sure that the potted rose never sits in water and that the containers have good drainage holes to avoid root rot and fungal diseases.

Retain moisture in the soil

In particularly hot weather, the soil can become very dry and unable to absorb or retain moisture. It is therefore recommended to apply a two to three centimeter thick layer of mulch around the roses. This is also a great way to save up to 50% water and cool the soil.

It is best to apply the mulch in late spring after fertilization. Place it on moist but not frozen ground. Remove the used mulch every year and replace it with a new one.

Avoid overwatering

Be careful not to overwater your roses. Overwatering causes the oxygen supply to the plant to be cut off and can cause root rot andcause yellow leaves.

Check the soil regularly and if it retains moisture, you should water the roses less frequently.