Fast-growing shrubs that offer privacy: flowering shrubs and wild hedge plants for sun and shade

Abeautiful flower bed, water features and numerous potted plants are not enough to make the outdoor area comfortable. Tall trees give the garden structure and provide privacy. If you don't want to wait long for trees, choose fast-growing shrubs.

Fast-growing shrubs not only serve as privacy screens, but also provide food for insects and birds. We list several trees that are ideal for wild hedges. You can plant these right next to each other.

Create a wild hedge: These flowering shrubs come into question

Buddleia: The buddleia, still as butterfly lilacis a very robust, drought-resistant tree. It prefers a location in the sun where, with proper care, it will bloom all summer long. It grows up to 150 cm annually until it reaches its maximum height of 400 cm. The plant is bee friendly. Hardiness zones 5 to 9. Recommended varieties: “Miss Violet” and “Miss Ruby”

The panicle hydrangeais also a plant that feeds insects and, depending on the variety, can grow up to 50 cm per year. It thrives best in sunny locations. Hardiness zones 3 to 10. Recommended varieties “Firelight” and “Monmar”.

The fragrant elderberry, also known as lilac berry, is a fast-growing shrub with an upright habit. With good care it can grow up to 30 cm per year. Hardiness zones 3 to 7. Recommended varieties: “Lemony Lace”.

The Mediterranean Firethornhas a densely branched growth. Its orange-red berries are not only decorative, but also provide food for birds. With a growth rate of up to 20 cm per year, the tree is one of the fast-growing shrubs. Hardiness zones 5 to 9. Recommended varieties: “Graberi”, “Kazan”.

The crape myrtle,still known as crepe myrtle, is a true sun worshiper. It is only suitable as a garden plant in areas with a mild climate. The tree also feels comfortable in pots.

Fast growing shrubs for sun and partial shade

You want a natural hedgecreate in your own garden, but only have space in partial shade. No problem. Below we list several flowering trees that are possible.

The noble lilachas a wide, dense growth. As a rule, it thrives best in full sun, but there are also varieties that prefer a location in partial shade. Hardiness zones 2 to 8. Recommended varieties: “Lavender Lady”, “Angel White”.

The Goldbell / Forsythiahas a sprawling habit and grows up to 60 cm per year. Forsythia is hardy (zones 3 to 9) and fresh green. It thrives best in sunny locations, but can tolerate partial shade well.

The Harlequin Meadowscores not only with its rapid growth (around 40 cm per year), but also with its intense leaf color. Hardiness zones 4 to 10, recommended varieties: “Hakuro Nishiki”, “Flamingo”.

The rock pearis a multi-stemmed shrub that produces snow-white flowers as early as April. With proper care, the tree will grow around 40 – 50 cm per year until it reaches its maximum height of 5 meters. The rock pear is ideal for mixed hedges. Hardiness zones 4 to 9, recommended varieties: “Glenform”, “Autumn Brilliance”.

The strap blossomis a fast-growing shrub that reaches a maximum height of 300 cm. Thanks to its bushy growth, it is well suited for privacy on the terrace. In this country, the strap flower is partially or not hardy and is therefore suitable for the pot garden.

The curly willowreaches its maximum height of 500 cm in 5 years. In contrast to other shrubs on our list, the tree has a compact growth.

Fast growing shrubs for shade

Do you have bare spots in the north garden? Then the next flowering bushes appear. Fast-growing, easy to care for and hardy: these trees areperfect for shady locations.

The black elderberryprefers locations in shade and partial shade. Flowers begin to form in February, and if well cared for, the shrub will later produce edible berries. The tree grows between 70 and 120 cm annually.

The scented jasmineis ideal for a wild hedge. The shrub not only fascinates hobby gardeners with its white flowers, but also exudes a scent. The tree has a bushy growth but can tolerate pruning. It grows up to 50 cm annually.

The pheasant spar / the bladder sparis a tall shrub with a wide, spreading habit and slightly overhanging branches. The bladderwort is hardy.

The double ranunculus bushreaches a maximum height of 250 cm. Its slightly overhanging shoots and yellow flowers, which delight the eye from April to September, make it a real eye-catcher.

Large-flowered St. John's bushgrows up to 50 cm per year. Its golden yellow flowers appear in June and the flowering period ends in October. The shrub is wintergreen and is a real eye-catcher even after the flowering period has ended. Recommended varieties: “Hidcote”.

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