Compost is considered a valuable fertilizer that anyone can make themselves. The process itself is not laborious, but it takes a long time before you can use the fertilizer. Luckily, there are natural compost accelerators that can help you compost faster. We list the best 5 home remedies that are suitable for this purpose.
Compost faster: The most important questions answered
When is a compost accelerator necessary?A compost accelerator is necessary for more than just speeding up the process. Experienced hobby gardeners use it to correct composting problems in a timely manner. If the compost heap lacks beneficial bacteria, rot can quickly occur and you will have to dispose of the compost heap. A compost accelerator quickly delivers an extra portion of beneficial bacteria and can prevent mold formation.
What else can speed up the process?Of course, the composition of the compost heap plays an important role in the final result. But the air supply is even more important. This includes turning the compost at regular intervals, ideally several times a yearUsing compost binsthat allow ventilation.
Do homemade compost accelerators have to contain lime?
In addition to nitrogen and potassium, lime can also drive the process forward. For this purpose, you can also lime the compost and thus speed up the process. The compost accelerator itself does not necessarily have to contain lime. You can also incorporate lime into the layers and mix the accelerator from liquid ingredients.
Can you compost faster with milk?
Dairy products such as milk, cheese, etc. have no place in the compost heap. The main argument against using milk is that it goes bad quickly. Unpleasant smells arise that spread throughout the garden. Especially if you have a small garden or the compost heap is close to a neighbor's property, unpleasant smells are problematic. Milk also attracts pests to the garden, which of course brings new problems. Last but not least, fatty substances such as vegetable oils or milk are difficult to decompose.
Coffee grounds are not suitable as a compost accelerator
Coffee grounds, although rich in nitrogen, are not considered fertilizers and are best avoided. It has antibacterial properties and can inhibit bacterial growth. This, in turn, will have the opposite effect of what is desired and will slow down or completely stop the ripening process. It is therefore not advisable to use coffee grounds for composting. However, you can easily use coffee grounds as fertilizer as long as you only use small amounts.
Compost faster with yeast: Why dry yeast is suitable as a compost accelerator
Mix 2 scoops of garden soil with a packet of dry yeast and 1/4 molasses in a plastic bucket. Pour 20 liters of water into the bucket and stir the whole thing. Place the bucket in a sunny spot in the garden and stir the contents every 6 - 7 hours. Let the product steep for 2 days and then add it to the compost heap.
Make your own compost accelerator with beer and baking soda
Pour a glass of water and a glass of beer into a plastic bucket and leave them there for about 24 hours. Then fill another glass of cola to increase the number of beneficial bacteria and fungi. Then fill a glass with ammonia to lower the pH of the liquid.
Compost faster with rice water
Another option for compost accelerators is rice water. If you put a cup of rice in 4 liters of water, the bacteria that cling to the surface of the rice grains will spread and multiply in the water. Simply let the rice steep in the water for about 30 minutes, then strain the liquid and pour the rice water over the compost heap.
Use alfalfa as a compost accelerator
Alfalfa or soy beans are the perfect compost accelerators. They have no smell and contain phosphorus and potassium, which not only start the process but also afterwardsPromote plant growthcan.
Blood meal for the compost heap
Blood meal is a natural product with organic origin. It is made from slaughterhouse waste and is rich in nitrogen and trace elements. Blood meal is used not only as a fertilizer, but also as a compost accelerator. You can still use it while layering or add it at the end if needed.
Composting faster and producing valuable natural fertilizer for garden and house plants is actually not a difficult task. You just need to find the right compost accelerator that enriches the compost material with beneficial bacteria and accelerates decomposition in the heap. These include yeast and dry yeast, as well as beer and blood meal. Coffee grounds and milk, on the other hand, are not suitable and have no place in the compost heap.