Fight star sooty mold: Natural remedies for black spots on rose petals!

Experienced hobby gardeners know: If their plants have yellow leaves and brown spots, then it is black mold. We explain how you can combat star sooty mold and which natural remedies help.

Fighting star sooty mold: What is the cause of rose disease?

The black mold disease is caused by a fungus. The pathogen overwinters on autumn leaves and in the soil and then spreads its spores as soon as the weather warms up again in spring. Weakened specimens are particularly successful, with rain and watering from above promoting the spread of the fungus. Other factors that further complicate the situation include:

  • impermeable soil
  • cold irrigation water or frequent rain at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius
  • waterlogging
  • Morning dew in spring
  • unfavorable location - roses are protected from the wind and the leaves dry very slowly.

Yellow leaves, black spots – these are the signs of the fungal disease!

The fungal disease first appears as large dark brown spots, which then turn black. These stains contain the fungal spores, which are then carried by rainwater and insectson the other plant leavesbe distributed. The leaves turn yellow and many of them fall off. If you don't act in time, the plant can lose all of its leaves. It is therefore advisable to act at the first signs of an infestation. Treatments are carried out over a longer period of time and end two weeks after the plant has completely healed. The neighboring plants also need to be checked regularly.

Fight star sooty mold naturally: The following home remedies bring good results!

Fortunately, there are several home remedies that have proven to be effective against sooty mold. These include, for example, baking powder and milk. Other natural remedies can protect against sooty mold. They strengthen the roses and prevent the disease from being transmitted to neighboring plants. These include, among other things, field horsetail broth and garlic broth.

Best remedy for sooty mold: baking soda

Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a liter of hot water and mix with 1 1/2 teaspoons of liquid soap. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray the diseased plants. Repeat the treatment on four consecutive days.

Fight star sooty mold with milk

Mix milk and water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and treat the affected plants four to five times a week. Also pour the milk solution into the root area to kill any fungal spores in the soil.

Field horsetail decoction against star sooty mold

Field horsetail decoction is made from 300 g of fresh field horsetail, 2 liters of decalcified water and olive oil. Simply put the water in a pot and bring to the boil. Chop the remaining ingredients into small pieces and add them to the boiling water. Let the whole thing simmer under the lid for about 20 minutes, then strain and pour into a disposable glass. Dilute 200 ml of decoction with 1 liter of water and spray the roses with the solution. If an infestation occurs, spray neighboring plants on four consecutive days.

Garlic broth against black mold

Garlic broth is made from 100 g of garlic and 1.2 liters of water. Fill a pot with water and add the chopped garlic to the cold water. Then bring to the boil and simmer for about 10 minutes. Dilute the broth with water in a ratio of 1 to 12 and pour into a spray bottle. Treat the endangered roses with it for the first time after the Ice Saints.

Onion decoction as a prevention for yellow leaves and brown spots

Onion stock is made from 100 g of finely chopped onions, which are placed in a bucket and poured over with water. Place the bucket in a sunny place and let it sit there for 24 hours. Then remove onions and treat the plants with the decoction two or three times on three consecutive days.

Fight star sooty mold: cut back the rose

The last rescue measure against star sooty mold is to cut back or remove the affected plants. Roses tolerate pruning well, although young plants recover much more slowly. Cut shrubs back to three leaf buds, thin out flowers and ground cover plants and remove the affected parts of the plant.