Gardening in April: We round up what you can plant, cut and do this month

February and March were mainly used to bring the garden into shape after the winter season - spring cleaning in the garden, so to speak. Now it's finally warm enough for many plants to go outdoors, and there's a lot else to do too. The tasks are increasing, so you should roll up your sleeves and get started so that you can make the most of the garden and enjoy it to the fullest during the warm season. What is there to do in the garden in April? We have summarized what gardening work needs to be done in April - so nothing important is left behind!

You probably have the bedsalready prepared in autumnor at the latest in February or March. However, if you missed this period or would now like to add another one, you can use this month to do so - regardless of whether it is for a classic flat bed or a raised bed. The raised bed is particularly advantageous here because it produces heat through the rotting processes, which of course also keeps the plants warm. Not to mention the many nutrients. But what could you plant outside this month?

What flowers to plant in April?

As you probably know, most flowers and vegetables only come outdoors after the Ice Saints. But as we all know, exceptions prove the rule and so you already have a certain selection of copies to start with. But what can you plant in April? Annual flowers that grow inSummer and autumn bloom, you can now sow while the others wait until after the Ice Saints. The following are suitable for early sowing this month:

What to plant in April:

  • Burning love
  • Dahlias
  • Scented stone rich
  • Garden freesias
  • Common flax
  • Gladiolus
  • Bluebells
  • Helicopters
  • Sky Rose
  • cap basket
  • Nasturtium
  • Kornblume
  • Lilies
  • Lupine
  • Snapdragons
  • Mohn
  • Marigold
  • Summer asters
  • Sunflower (end of April)
  • Fried egg flower
  • Student flowers
  • Tagetes
  • usury flower

Suitable vegetables

Vegetables sown early in springyou can harvest now at the latest. These include, for example, radishes, chard, lettuce and asparagus. You can then use other vegetables in their place. But what vegetables can you plant in April? If desired, the following vegetables are suitable for the beds. They can be sown directly into the bed or, if you have already planted them, without having to worry about possible sudden frost.

  • Leaf lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • potatoes
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mangold
  • radish
  • Spinach
  • Onions

Just because you're busy gardening in April doesn't mean you should neglect those vegetables you've been growing in the house or greenhouse since March.Tomatoes, for examplewill be pricked out now at the latest or as soon as they have developed the first pair of leaves - in other words, gardening work that could be due at the beginning of this month. Pricking out means that the plants are carefully lifted out of the soil in the planting bowl and transplanted individually into small pots.

Cut ornamental shrubs and sub-shrubs

In March you cut the hardwood, now it's the turn of the softwood. The aim is to stimulate growth. This means they grow more densely and this of course also has an impact on the wonderful flower display. It is important not to cut your bushes too radically. The breeding season has already started and that could disturb the birds. For this reason it is also forbidden by law to plant hedges and hedges from March onwardsto cut trees. The following ornamental shrubs and sub-shrubs get a beautifying cut this month:

The garden in April – This is what is cut:

  • Savory
  • Hibiscus
  • Hydrangeas
  • Lavender
  • Rosen
  • sage
  • Buddleia
  • Thymian

Make slanted cuts on the branches of ornamental shrubs, otherwise water will collect at the ends and this can lead to rot.

Forsythia are only cut after flowering and are more likely to be gardened at the end of April. So if your shrub dies by then, add it to your list.

The lawn as part of gardening in April

It's probably too early to mow for the first time and it will take at least until the end of the month for the lawn to grow tall enough. However, another problem could have arisen during the winter season: due to the higher humidity, moss may have formed here and there. If this is the case, you can counteract this during your gardening in April by using theScarify the lawn.

The upper layer of the lawn is pierced with a special device, which promotes ventilation and prevents too much moisture. And as you know, that's exactly what moss loves. But in general, scarifying is also very good for the lawn, but that doesn't mean that you should overdo it because that would just put unnecessary strain on your ornamental lawn. Theuseful coffee groundsAnd certain fertilizers are also helpful in the fight against unwanted moss.