Helpful tips on how to create a vegetable patch in autumn

Just because it's starting to get colder doesn't mean you have to stop gardening. Take advantage of the time that remains until winter and sow vegetables that are suitable for winterHerbstsuitable. Here are some helpful tips on how to do it this fallcreate a vegetable patchcan.

Plant a vegetable patch: enjoy fresh vegetables in autumn

In the fallCreate a vegetable patchis advantageous for several reasons. One of them, as you can imagine, is that you get fresh vegetables to cook with. But there are other reasons why you most likely do thisGardeningwill enjoy. For example, in the colder months, weeds do not grow as quickly or in as large quantities as in theSommer. That means less work. Likewise, the pests you have to fight will decrease. The time you spend in the garden will also be reduced thanks to more frequent rain and you will save money on irrigation.

Creating a vegetable patch: What grows well in the garden during this time?

Many vegetable plants prefer the colder months and grow better during this time. This includes:

  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Shallots
  • Leek
  • Rocket
  • Chicory

Creating a vegetable patch – when is the right time to do it?

Find out about the right time to plant the vegetables and the appropriate conditions in which the particular plant thrives. If you can, try to estimate the time of the first frost and count the days backwards. So if a plant needs eight weeks to mature, plant the plant eight weeks before the first frost. This way your vegetable plants will be strong enough to survive the frost.

Create a vegetable patch from seeds

If you prefer to sow seeds, choose vegetables that...shorter time to growneed. If you are a little late with your fall garden, you can try planting cuttings or seedlings in the garden. You can easily get these at a garden center. Be well informed about the correct steps and procedures.

How the vegetables should be planted

To prepare your bed for the new plants, remove weeds and any plants that will no longer produce fruit. Add compost and till the soil.

Plant the seeds a little deeper than you would in the summer. This will keep you moist and cool. Also, as a precaution, use a few more seeds to replace those that won't germinate. As soon as the plants start to grow, you should remove some of them so that the others have enough space to grow.

Create a vegetable patch by dividing it correctly

You can oneCreate a vegetable patchby dividing it appropriately. Divide it into small squares measuring 30 x 30 cm to make good use of the available space. Each square is intended for a specific plant. But also pay attention to how much space each plant needs to grow. For example, 16 bulbs can be planted in a square, but they must be about 7 cm apart from each other. When the plants start to grow, it is good if you moisten the soil well once a week.

Protect plants by covering them

To protect the plants from the weather conditions, you can additionally cover them, one at a time. This should especially happen when temperatures fall below 5 degrees at night. The material you use for covering should insulate well, but not overheat the plants. Therefore plastic film is not suitable. Place the cover over the plants and secure the ends in the soil.

If it's your first time in the fallCreate a vegetable patch, think of it as a test run. Since the weather in fall is unpredictable, you may be disappointed at first. But don't despair because with proper planning and care you can be surprised with fresh vegetables. To motivate you, simply imagine the deliciousness that you can later conjure up from the vegetables.