Roses are one of the most popular and beautiful flowering shrubs, but creating a rose garden can seem daunting for many people. However, growing roses does not have to be a stressful endeavor. With the right planting and care, almost anyone can become a successful rose gardener. If you've been hesitant about starting a rose garden, know that roses are no more difficult to care for than other flowering shrubs. Today we will give you some practical tips on rose care. Find out more about how to properly plant, fertilize and prune roses here.
Roses – popular plant worldwide
Roses from the genus Rosa in the rose family (Rosaceae) are woody plants that bloom on thorny, prickly stems. There are numerous varieties and species of roses. These plants can grow as hedges, shrubs, individual perennials or as climbing plants. They love sun and need fertile, well-drained soil. Rose bushes are often at their best in June, but many varieties bloom from late May to early fall.
Although it may be tempting to plant a wide range of plants in the rose garden, there is a great risk that you will end up with a disorganized look and combine too many plants for each space. A few well-selected varieties will bring you more joy than dozens of mismatched plants that don't harmonize with each other. There are also roses that are foran easy-care gardenare suitable.
Tips for caring for roses – finding the right location
Plant roses in a location where they will receive at least 6 hours of sun per day. The morning sun is particularly important because it dries the leaves and thus prevents diseases. Roses that are only partially exposed to the sun do not die immediately, but they gradually become weaker, bloom more poorly and overwinter poorly. However, keep in mind that in very hot climates, these plants need to be protected from the hottest hours of the day.
In cooler climates, roses have the best chance of surviving frost when placed on a west or south facing wall or structure. Also sidewalks orsmall front gardensare a good location provided they are in full sun. If you want to plant several roses, make sure that they are not too close together. Good air circulation helps prevent fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and downy mildew.
When it comes to watering, you should water your roses diligently. Water the entire root zone at least twice a week during dry summer weather. Avoid frequent, shallow watering, which does not reach the deeper roots and can promote fungal growth. In the fall, reduce the amount of water, but don't let the roses dry out completely.
The perfect soil for your roses
Roses need soil that drains well but retains moisture long enough for the roots to absorb it. These plants like loose, loamy soil that tends to be sandy. However, too much clay can lead to waterlogging of the roots. If you don't start with a loose, loamy soil, you'll need some amendment. If you are planting roses in heavy clay soil, mixing in compost, peat moss and other organic matter will help with drainage. Once the plants are grown in sandy soil, you shouldBe sure to add compost, so that the roots of the plant can retain as much moisture as possible.
These shrubs prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. A pH of 6.5 is just right for most gardens. Acidic soils are counteracted with finely ground limestone and alkaline soils are treated with ground sulfur.
How to fertilize roses
Rose bushes need to be fertilized regularly to develop optimally. Artificial liquid fertilizers usually promote soft and tender plant growthAphids and other pestscan attract. Instead, use compost and natural fertilizers to nourish your plants before and during flowering. Organic methods such as monthly administration of composted manure, compost or natural fertilizers are well suited. Slow-release fertilizers give roses the perfect balance of nutrients they need for optimal growth. Note that slow-release fertilizers have higher nutrient content thanorganic fertilizers, so a single dose in spring and another in autumn should be sufficient.
Covering your rose bushes with mulch helps retain moisture better and also provides some winter protection.
One of the best rose care tips is to add bananas. Banana peels are a good source of calcium, sulfur, magnesium and phosphates - all things roses like. Here are three ways you can “serve” this fruit to your shrubs:
1. Place a strip of the peel at the base of each perennial.
2. Bury a black, mushy banana next to each perennial.
3. Crush the peels, leave them in a sealed jar of water for two weeks and pour the mixture under each plant.
Rose care tips – prune plants correctly
The great thing about roses is that they can hardly be over-pruned. However, there are some tips and tricks for pruning these plants that will result in a professional looking plant. Pruning also keeps plants healthy and encourages them to grow. Roses should be pruned in early spring or late winter.
Here's how:
* Noble and floribunda roses: Remove all dead, damaged or brown twigs, leaf debris and weak, thin growth. Then cut back the remaining branches about 1 cm above an eye (to a length of about 20 cm above the ground). An eye is a small bump where a leaf would grow on a stem.
* Rose bushes: When caring for rose bushes, you don't have to pay attention to the leaf buds. The pruning depends on your wishes. It is best to cut back all branched or unhealthy branches and the healthy ones by a third in height.