If you want fresh, lush herbs and plants in your home, then you might be interested in setting up a freshwater aquarium. Siamese fighting fish are also a feast for the eyes with their vibrant colors and magnificent fins and deserve a home where they can thrive and live a healthy life. Aquaponic freshwater aquariums are a growing trend as urban conditions allow these in almost every home or office in the major city. You can also be a part of this growing industry and combine and design an aquarium with your love for fish farming and your own mini aquaponics system in your own home.
Set up and maintain your own freshwater aquarium and aquaponics
Although there are some general guidelines, there are countless ways to decorate an aquarium. We've done our best to find examples and great betta fish decorating ideas for lovers of all types of pets. So if you're one of those people, modern minimalist freshwater aquariums are tricked out with just the bare essentials. Aquaponics is the process of growing plants and fish in symbiosis. The fish releases ammonium into the water as waist.
If the ammonium level gets too high, the fish dies. For this reason, a freshwater aquarium needs a filter or you have to change the water regularly yourself. In addition, the plants need to be fed nitrate in order to grow properly. In an aquaponic system, bacteria slow down the ammonium expelled by the fish and convert it into nitrates. The plant absorbs the nitrates and water accordingly in order to grow. This is how a Siamese fighting fish, for example, creates the nutrients for the plants that filter the water for it.
Keep the water clean and keep your Betta fish safe at the same time. Betta fish can be very sensitive pets and can therefore be injured very easily. A betta fish in a freshwater aquarium will go into shock if the water temperature changes too quickly. The same thing can happen if there is chlorine in the water. Tap water often doesn't do any harm, but it's not worth the risk. Remember to use distilled or bottled water to change your betta's water. The water also needs to be the same temperature as that in your betta fish's bowl. A good way to ensure that the water is the same temperature is to keep the clean water in the same room as the fish's aquarium so that both are at room temperature.
Plants and decoration
The Betta fish is native to Thailand and inhabits rice fields, slow-moving streams and large puddles - all shady places with many hidden places. Your aquatic animal will love swimming in a pool full of caves and plants that provide plenty of shade. Bettas enjoy lounging on leaves and have comfortable places to hide and sleep.
It is also important to inspect the ornaments for any spots that could snag or tear the fish's delicate fins. And if you use artificial plants, do not use plastic plants, but instead use silk ones. Live plants are always good because they help purify the water and provide your pet with a natural environment. Tip: Your Betta fish can easily become bored and depressed. It's a good idea to rearrange the decor when cleaning the aquarium. This will help keep things interesting.
How do you decorate a freshwater aquarium?
First, clean your tank with just water and no soap. Then choose a suitable location that is near a window but not exposed to direct sunlight. Make sure the surface is nice and stable. You may want to consider purchasing a stand that will support the weight of the container. Leave 12cm between the aquarium and the wall to allow for a filter. If you have other pets, you can house your Betta Bowl in a room that they cannot access.
In their natural habitat, fish are constantly surrounded by overhanging plants and aquatic vegetation. This creates a fairly dark environment where the aquatic animals feel safe and can rest on the leaves. This also makes it easier for them to swim to the surface at night to breathe air. When you replicate this effect in the aquarium, the betta fish are often calmer and less slanted than in a very bare, poorly lit environment. This gives us two general guidelines for decorating a water garden like this.
Many hiding places consist primarily of plants with large leaves, which is always a plus. Other suitable decorations include small statues, caves, rocks, driftwood, etc. This will make your pet feel safe and will also drastically reduce stress. However, only use decorations that are suitable for aquariums. As mentioned above, artificial plants have been known to tear the fins of small fish. Something to rest and sleep on is also important for your freshwater aquarium. This is especially important if you have a betta fish with large, heavy fins. Living plants such as lotus and frog spoon varieties are suitable for this purpose. Aquarium decorations specifically designed for betta fish to sleep in are also a great addition.
DIY Aquarium Guide
First, it's best to shop around for the glass container you want so that you can adapt it to the design of the room in question. Then you can choose the aquarium stones that you will use to create the bottom. Small pebbles or even coarse sand and parts of shells are suitable for this. Next, get live plants and aquarium water conditioners. Then, of course, comes the desired fish and other accessories such as a net, sieve, etc.
If you are looking for the right plants, you can choose, for example, water goblet, dragon tree, marimo ball or red-fruited passionflower. First add the base layer. Start by rinsing the glass with distilled vinegar, followed by a rinse with fresh water. Then rinse off the gravel too. Next, add the stones and apply a few inches of them to the bottom of the jar. The aquarium stones form a filter and disposal bed.
If you allow the living plants to grow, they will absorb the fish's waste as nutrients and help keep the water clean. All of this helps keep maintenance costs low. Change the water about once a month. The garden should also be exposed to bright, indirect sunlight.LED lightswork best because they allow you to control the light intensity. Some of them even come with automatic timers so you don't even have to think about it.
The next step is to fill the aquarium with plants, decorations and accessories by dealing with the order. Stick the plant roots into the aquarium gravel. You can see an example of this in the top view above. Then fill the glass with enough water and leave it like that. At this time, add water to theMini gardenand the water treatment and let it rest for a while. The liquid will appear unclear at first until the sediment settles.
Acclimatize fish and add mates
Next, swim your fish into the jar in a small container with the water from the store to acclimate to the temperatures. The water temperatures must be the same before adding your fish. If not, you could cause shock and kill your new friend. Some small snails such as trumpet snails are fine, but there are very few fish that can be kept in such small tanks and their additional bioload could upset the balance of the aquarium.
If your freshwater aquarium is larger than 57L, you can keep your Betta fish with a few types of roommates. Stick to fish and invertebrates that are calm, won't pinch your betta's fins, and are large enough not to be viewed as a snack by a hungry fish. Don't get mates that have different requirements than your fish when it comes to water parameters and temperature. It's best to do some careful research online before running to the pet store.
Final thoughts
Betta fish make fantastic pets and they deserve to be treated properly. After properly preparing the water tank, make sure it is properly maintained. This also means feeding the betta fish correctly. Allow him to eat once a day and be careful not to overfeed the fish. Do a 20% water change once a week to maintain a healthy environment. Additionally, monitor pH, ammonia and nitrate levels and correct any problems that arise. Clean your freshwater aquarium regularly, and if you use a filter, you will need to do it every few weeks. Follow this guide and you will create a lively and happy atmosphere in your home, as well as keep your company looking classy for years to come.