You missed the planting time in autumn and are you now wondering if you can plant the tulip onions in February? Yes, this is possible as long as you stick to some basic rules.
Plant tulip onions in February: the basic principles
All garden fans know the rule of thumb: onion flowers that bloom in spring should be planted at least six weeks before the frost starts. TheOptimal time for tulipsSo is the late September. But what happens if you miss this time? Actually, most tulip onions are quite tolerant and can easily be put into the ground in late winter. Provided, however, that they were stored correctly.
Proper storage or weathering is very important
The tulip onions should be stored cool and dark. It is best to wrap them in newspaper and place them in boxes. Cover them with an old pillow and bring the box to an unheated winter quarters. For example, a garden house with windows that is regularly ventilated is well suited. If you have stored the onions in a warm room, check them first for diseases and mold. Healthy bulbs can then move into an unheated room and spend 2-3 weeks there before put them in the ground. If you want to plant the tulips in February, then you should store them cold at the latest.
Not only the right storage plays an important role in the end result. Basically, the shorter the tulip onions have been stored, the higher the chance of a long floral splendor in spring. Actually, the flower bulbs should be stored for a maximum of 5 months, but many hobby gardeners have successfully planted their tulips after this period. A trick that could help with old onions: put the tulip onions in the fridge for a week and then put it in the ground.
Tulip onions in late winter plants: possible in this weather!
An important prerequisite so that the popular flowers grow really healthy and bloom this spring is the planting out in real weather. The temperatures should be below 10 ° Celsius, otherwise the plants can mold. Tulip onions are also susceptible to various fungal diseases. However, the cold weather can prevent the spread of such diseases. To reduce the risk, you can plant the onions with fresh, sterilized compost.
Planting at temperatures below the 0 ° degree mark is possible as long as there is no ground frost. But it is best to choose a frost -free, sunny or at least dry day to put the tulips into the ground.
The right period: It is best to plant the onions in the morning so that you can get used to the day.
Until when can you plant tulip onions in spring?
Planting is generally possible from February to the end of March. After that, the temperatures rise and there is less time for leaf and flower formation. Onion flowers are true survivors, they have the most important nutrients in their onions and can develop quickly once they are planted out.
Plant tulip onions in February: Instructions
Scientists at Cornwall University have carried out a study with tulips. As part of 6 years, they tested various plant variants and found that the tulips are most beautiful when you stick to the following rules:
1. Remove snow, stones and mulch layer from the bed. Grab deep holes for the onions and fill up to half with compost.
2. Put the fertilizer for flower bulbs in the hole. The rule of thumb applies: the colder, the more economical fertilize.
3. Put the tulips into the hole. Under no circumstances press the onions, but simply place on the floor.
4. Cover the hole with a 6 to 8 cm compost layer. The colder, the thicker the compost layer.
5. Bring a 2-3 thick layer of mulch onto the planted flower bed. Laubering or bark mulch is well suited. On the one hand, they will protect the soil from frost, on the other hand act as long -term fertilizers and gradually release important nutrients.
Our tip:Check all tulip onions for signs of diseases, fungal attack or mold. Sort onions that feel soft or have unpleasant smell.
Temporary frosts are no problem after planting. With large temperature fluctuations, the tulips can even drive out. If frost then starts, the above -ground leaves will freeze to death. The plants usually relax and bloom in spring.
Plant the tulip onions into pots in floor frost
If the weather is not involved in February and the soil is frozen, then you can put the onions in pots.
Simply place the pots in an unheated room with room temperature between 3 ° and 10 ° Celsius and fill the bucket with fresh potting soil. You can add a little sterilized compost, but for the first time do without flower fertilizers. Pour the onions after planting and keep the ground fresh in the next few weeks. After 8 weeks you can do the tulipsbring outdoors.