Permanently remove weeds from the sidewalk

As wonderful as gardening can be, there are also some tasks that aren't exactly fun and for many people this includes pulling weeds. As if there wasn't already enough to do in the beds, they also grow happily on the sidewalks between paving stones or slabs. How can we permanently remove weeds from the sidewalk without damaging the stones themselves and, above all, harming the environment?

If it's the paths in your garden, that's obviously your job. But what about public roads? The law stipulates that as a property owner you are obliged to maintain the areas in front of your property and this also includes destroying weeds. Of course, you should also avoid harmful substances that harm the environment. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives that allow you to do thisWeeds on the sidewalkcan be permanently removed.

Permanently remove weeds from the sidewalk – This works perfectly

We have another great news: With the remedies we are going to list for you, you can not only effectively destroy weeds on paths. They are also quick and easy to use, without having to bend over for hours. Now let's move on to the promising weed killers for paving stones etc.

How to remove lichenfind out here.

Use heat to fight unwanted plants

While you can simply pull out the weeds in the beds by hand or with suitable tools, this is rather impractical, if not impossible, on sidewalks. By regularly walking on the areas, the soil becomes compacted and it is usually difficult to grasp the plants and pull them out. That's why you can do that tooRemove weeds from paving joints, by applying heat and here you have several options.

What can I use to kill weeds on the sidewalk?

  • Steam device, such as a steam cleaner
  • cooking water
  • Flaming device

The flame burner and the steam cleaner kill the above-ground plant parts and therefore work quite quickly. If you burn the plants, you will then have to sweep up the fallen plant parts. The downside is that you don't remove the roots this way. Boiling hot water is probably the most effective solution in this case if you really want peace of mind for a long time, as it also damages the roots.

Permanently remove weeds from the sidewalk by sealing joints

No matter what means or home remedies you use to combat weeds in joints and the other areas around the sidewalk, sooner or later you will have to intervene again and tackle weed destruction. Remains can always survive in the soil and sprout or germinate after a certain period of time, and Mother Nature also ensures that seeds are distributed by wind and insects and thus find their way back to your sidewalks. The only truly permanent solution is to at least seal the joints.

For this you can either do so-calleddancingsweep in orPaving joint mortaruse. The former is special sand that has the property of preventing plant growth, which is due to its low pH value. In addition, as you know, sand does not provide good support for plant roots. With mortar you can completely seal the openings between paving stones, which is a slight disadvantage compared to sand. Sand joints, on the other hand, allow rainwater to drain away better.

This helps against weeds in the pavement - this is how you proceed with Dansand:

  • First you need to clean the pavers and by that we mean removing the weeds from the sidewalk.
  • You can scrape out as much soil as you can.
  • Fill the free areas with the Dansand.
  • You can then sweep up anything that went wrong with a broom.
  • A soil compactor can also help. Then moist sand should be used.

Seal with mortar:

  • As usual, remove all weeds from the paths.
  • Prepare the mortar mixture according to the instructions for use.
  • You then distribute these into all the joints, cracks and holes from which the plants usually grow. A joint pusher is very practical for this.
  • Any mortar left on the stones should be swept away as quickly as possible. Once it has dried, it will be very difficult.
  • From now on, your sidewalk should remain weed-free in the long term.

Tipp:If you want to permanently remove grass and weeds from between paving stones, you can simply cover the affected areas completely with sturdy, decorative plants.In this articlefind out which ones are suitable. But you can only do this in your own garden, not on public paths.

Prohibited means for outdoor use

If you research on the Internet, you will often see baking soda mentioned against weeds, but also salt and vinegar or vinegar essence. These are all agents that, although effective, can leach into groundwater and cause damage to the environment. There is only one exception for vinegar, namely for use in medicinal herb beds. In all other cases, however, you should avoid the remedies mentioned.

You can find other effective remedies against weeds on pathsin this article.