Are the paving joints dirty and overgrown with wild plants? If weeds sprout between the paving stones, you want to remove them immediately. Best of all – ecological and durable. But what home remedies are there for this?
Home remedies for weeds: nettle manure
With stinging nettle manure you can not only fight pests such as aphids, but also displace weeds. To do this, simply cut 500 g of stinging nettles into small pieces and put them in a bucket. Then pour 5 liters of water over it and let it steep for about two weeks. Pour the finished nettle manure into the joints. Since the manure has a strong smell, you should use it sparingly. If the joints are filled with sand, it is best to use another home remedy. Sand absorbs odors well and you can't get it clean again.
Potato water against weeds in the paving joints
Potatoes contain starch, which is washed out into the water when cooked. It can clog the pores of plants and prevent the absorption of nutrients. Photosynthesis is also made more difficult. The plant dies after a while. The method works best when the water is still hot. Hot water denatures the plant proteins and can penetrate directly into the roots.
How should you proceed? Simply peel 500 g of potatoes and cook them without salt. Strain the hot potato water and pour it directly into the joints. Then you just have to wait and see - at first you won't see any changes, but after a few days the plants will turn yellow. This measure will permanently remove the wild plants.
Destroying weeds with baking soda: Is it permitted?
Baking soda has a high salt content and has a similar effect to salt. However, the use of home remedies to combatWeeds in the gardenprohibited by law and can be punished with a fine. This is because baking soda can penetrate deep into the ground and seep into the underwater.
Inhibit weed growth with newspaper or fleece
Instead, you can try another trick: fill the joints with newspaper. This means that the plants do not receive any sunlight and die after a while. Although it may take a little longer until the weeds are finally destroyed, the method is very effective.
You can also replace the newspaper with opaque fleece and also achieve a good effect.
Use corn semolina in the joints to control weeds
Corn grits are a good substitute for pesticides. The home remedy is free of harmful chemicals, but can achieve good results in the fight against crabgrass and dandelions. You simply have to work corn semolina into the joints to inhibit the germination and growth of wild plants.
Remove weeds between the stone slabs with mulch
April and May are the right time to fill the joints with mulch. This inhibits weed growth and prevents new growth. Pine bark and
Getting rid of weeds from paving stones forever: Two options
Do you not only want to remove the plants, but also want to prevent other wild plants from spreading again in the joints? Then there are two variants to choose from:
Clean and green pavement joints
After you clean the paving joints, you can plant them. Foot-resistant and drought-resistant upholstery perennials are well suited for this purpose. These include, for example, the pearl paw, the Günsel, the goose cress and the chickweed. Grass grass, Andean cushions or pearl paws are also suitable for this purpose. The plants have deep roots and dense growth. They can successfully suppress weed growth.
Fill paving joints: Use Dansand against weeds
Dansand, which is still sold commercially as joint sand, has a special composition that inhibits the germination of weed seeds. This means that wild plants cannot spread. The seeds do not germinate and the roots find neither support nor useful nutrients in the sand. Dansand is therefore a good and environmentally friendly way to get rid of weeds for good. But even in this case, you have to check the joints annually: snow and rain can wash away the sand, so it's worth refilling the joints every year. Ideally until the end of April, before the start of the gardening seasonClean and fill paving joints.
Clean paving joints and get them free of weeds: Which machines are suitable?
The simplest and very effective method of getting the paving joints clean and weed-free is to clean them with a high-pressure cleaner. This removes the plants and their roots ecologically and reliably. A similar effect is achieved with hot water - the plants die after a week and are permanently removed. The so-called joint brushes are also effective, with which you can clear the joints of weeds and remove wild plants and their roots.