Pruning woody rosemary: What do you achieve when pruning and which pruning methods should you use?

Rosemary is one of the great all-round evergreen herbs - a must in the kitchen and pretty enough to be an ornamental plant in the garden with its delicate flowers in shades of white, pink or blue. If you don't care for it, it can quickly become too big and woody. Prune carefully, however, and your shrub will richly reward you with years of scent and flavor. It's easy to prune woody rosemary, and if done correctly, the plant will be healthy and very productive. In this post you will learn step by step why, when and how exactly you need to prune rosemary.

Why cut rosemary bushes?

While pruning rosemary is not an essential part of successful care, regular pruning will help maintain shape and encourage new growth. Larger shrubs may appear overgrown and woody, or develop bare patches over time if left completely untouched.

If rosemary becomes too woody, it will have difficulty sprouting again, even under optimal conditions.Regular pruningensures a compact shape and a higher yield. It is therefore advisable to cut back the shrub regularly to achieve optimal results.

Removing dead or diseased branches strengthens the plant and improves air circulation, which can prevent fungal and disease problems.

The exact time to prune rosemary depends on where you live. In warmer regions, the best time is late winter to spring.

For maximum production in a cold climate, start pruning in late spring and continue until the fall cooldown.

Which tools are suitable for cutting?

Most parts of the rosemary plant are too tough to cut with your fingers, so you'll need some pruning tools for this job. To cut back thick branches, it is best to use regular scissors or heavy-duty scissors.

For established shrubs, working with hedge trimmers or an electric trimmer is easier and quicker. We also like to use pruning shears or a pruning saw to cut large or very thick, woody onesRemove branches.

Whatever tools you choose, make sure they are freshly sharpened and sterilized to avoid damage.

Pruning overgrown shrubs

If your rosemary bushes are overgrown and starting to look leggy or woody, you need to do some radical pruning. You can be quite aggressive when pruning, but never cut below the last set of leaves and never remove more than ⅓ of the plant at a time.

Step 1. Remove Dead Wood – Before doing any heavy pruning, you should remove any obvious dead wood so you can get a better look at your shrub. To do this, simply cut back to the main trunk. To remove thick or stubborn branches, you may need pruning shears or a pruning saw.

Step 2. Cut the plant back- Shecan woody branchesCut back by up to 50% as long as there are still a few pairs of leaves underneath the cuts.

Step 3. Check for tangled branches– Carefully inspect your shrub for twisted or crossing branches. Remove the worst branches to improve air circulation and reduce the risk of damage and disease.

Step 4. Light pruning– Severe pruning should not be carried out regularly. However, you should do some light pruning as described in the steps above to keep your rosemary healthy and productive.

Methods for cutting rosemary

There are two basic techniques you can use to prune your woody rosemary. This involves cutting back large stems and branches and removing new tips.

Pruning stems and branches

In the spring, just before new growth, you can cut off long stems as needed to shape the plant and maintain its size. You should also regularly inspect dead or diseased onesRemove branches. Be careful not to cut too far back into the old wood as this can prevent new growth.

For best results, start at the top and center and work your way down and along the sides. This will give you a better overview of what needs to be removed as you work.

Removing the new tips for higher yields

When pruning rosemary, removing the new shoot tips encourages branching, resulting in higher yields. To do this, pinch off the delicate tips or cut them off with precision scissors. This works particularly well when the plant is young, as there are often several shoots branching out directly under each cut.