What to do in the garden in November? Winter protection, planting tips and upcoming gardening work

Gardening never ends. Even in the cold season there is always something to do. What to do in the garden in November? We explain what tasks are next in the ornamental, vegetable and orchard and tell you what else you have to do in the greenhouse. Then we'll give you a few tips about itGarden care in autumnand winter.

In November there isA lot to do in the ornamental garden. Here is a list of the most important tasks:

1. Planting tulip bulbs: November is the right time to buy fresh tulip bulbs from the garden center and plant them in the bed. It is best to place the onions in wire baskets so that the voles cannot reach them. Then protect from frost with a thick layer of soil and compost.

2. Dig up the dahlia tubers and overwinter: The dahlia is not winter-hardy and cannot survive the sub-zero temperatures in winter. Therefore, you should dig up the tubers in mid-November, shake off the soil and bring them to a dark and frost-free winter quarters.

3. Create a planting plan for next year: Now is the right time to order seed catalogs or browse through online and select the plants and flowers for the next gardening season.

4. Plant shrubs, hedge plants, roses and trees before the first frost.

5. Cut off or discard annual plants such as sweet peas, morning glories and thunbergias.

6. Cut back perennial plants and protect them from frost with compost.

7. Plant young Japanese maples in pots and place them in a wind-protected and frost-free location. The Japanese maple prefers partial shade. The young plants are only allowed outside in spring.

8. If the rose bushes are infected with star sooty mold: collect all fallen leaves so that the disease does not spread.

9. Protect potted plants (such as alpine plants and rock garden plants) from rain.

10. Protect trees and bushes from browsing by wild animals: Install browsing protection.

11. Protect partially winter-hardy plants from frost with a thick layer of compost or straw.

What to do in the garden in November? Gardening in the vegetable and orchard

1. Cutting cuttings: In November you can cut cuttings of currants, blueberries and gooseberries.

2. Protect vegetables such as beans and various types of salad from frost with polytunnels.

3. Cut raspberry bushes back to the ground after harvest.

4. Plant garlic and onions in raised beds and then protect them from frost with fleece.

5. Cut back Jerusalem artichokes, then dig up the tubers and store them frost-free in buckets of dry compost.

6. Plant fruit trees: Possible until mid-November if the weather is good. The soil should be moist but not too soggy.

7. Check the crop for rot and pests.

8. Dig up the chicory roots and leave them to grow in containers made of opaque material.

9. Give the strawberries a nourishing pruning.

Gardening in November: The Greenhouse

1. Insulate the greenhouse: Insulate the walls and floor. Disinfect the walls and windows.

2. Make sure all exotics are stored frost-free.

3. Propagate perennial plants via root cuttings. Suitable plants: The phlox, the Turkish poppy and the mullein.

4. Plant herbs in flower boxes and place them next to windows.

5. EveryonePlants in the greenhouseCheck regularly for pests and diseases.

6. Water the bulb of spring flowers regularly.

7. Clean, disinfect and store all empty containers, flower boxes and plant pots.

8. Install Min-Maxi thermometer in the greenhouse. The device displays the lowest measured temperature and serves as an indication of when the heating needs to be switched on.

9. Water the plants carefully. Wet leaves dry very slowly in the greenhouse and are susceptible to fungal diseases.

10. Clear away tomatoes and cucumbers and compost the plant residue.

The Garden in November: Other upcoming outdoor work

1. In winter, the fire bowl, fireplace and open fireplaces in the garden become popular hiding places for hedgehogs and other small animals. So to be on the safe side, check first and only then light the fire.

2. Stop mowing the lawn from mid-November.

3. Collect fallen leaves regularly, but do not throw them into the compost heap.

4. bird feeder,Build insect hotels etcand regularly provide food, windbreaks and fresh water for wildlife in the garden.

5. Protect compost heaps from rain with worms.

6. Give apple trees a nourishing pruning.

7. Repair fences and trellises.

8. Wrap clay pots with fleece.

9. Drain the garden shower using the drainage valve.

Winter protection is perhaps the most important task for the hobby gardener in November. Exotic plants are brought into their winter quarters, shrubs and hedge plants are cut back and plants that are partially hardy are overwintered frost-free.

At the same time, preparations for the next gardening season are underway. In the greenhouse and winter garden, plants are grown, annual plants are composted and new seeds are planted.

Since most potted plants are stored in a limited area in winter, they are particularly susceptible to pests and diseases. Good hygiene in the greenhouse is therefore very important.