After the cold winter months, nature awakens to new life in spring. Many plants are starting to grow, new seedlings are sprouting from the ground and it's time to plant some summer bloomers too. For many gardeners, flower bulbs are a quick solution to bare spots in the beds in spring. Find out here which flower bulbs to plant in March to enjoy magnificent blooms in summer.
The flower bulbs planted in spring provide the most beautiful colors in the garden with minimal effort. Hide them among perennials to create a fuller bed or create an extra colorful bulb garden to impress your neighbors. Many of these flower bulbs are also ideal for containers, which you can use to beautify your terrace or balcony.
Plant the dragon root (Calla palustris).
The dragonroot flower bulbs are placed in the ground in spring when there is no longer any danger of frost and when the ground has warmed to at least 18 °C. They should be planted in full sun or partial shade. If you choose large, solid bulbs, you will get large plants and lots of flowers. The smaller flower bulbs also grow and bloom, but not as vigorously.
This summer bloomer grows quickly, so you should see the first shoots about two weeks after planting. The flowers follow in 13 to 16 weeks, depending on the variety. You can grow a mix of early, middle and later varieties to achieve a continuous display of blooms.
Which flower bulbs to plant in March? The begonias
The magnificent begonias can grow upright or trailing depending on the variety, making them suitable for a wide range of displays. They bloom in vibrant shades of red, pink, coral, yellow and orange to suit any color desire.
Begonias perform best when planted in March. Choose a spot where the soil drains well and the plants are in partial shade. They are well suited for shady garden areas, under trees or in pots on the terrace.
Loosen the soil a little and plant the flower bulbs by simply inserting them without completely covering them. Plant them 20 to 30 cm apart, with the indented side where the leafy shoots form facing up.
The bright, late-blooming dahlias
Dahlias are breathtakingly beautiful late bloomers that bloom in a variety of colors from mid-summer to fall.
Plant the bulbs in pots in March and keep them indoors to advance the season. Transplant them outdoorsa few days after the tomatoes, because they do not tolerate cold soils.
They require fertile, moist but well-drained soil and a sunny, sheltered location.
Which flower bulbs to plant in March: The tuberose
The fragrant, showy blooms in late summer encourage many to plant tuberose in their garden. Their strong, enticing scent further increases their popularity. When you smell these beauties you'll understand why. The large white flowers appear in clusters on the stems, growing up to 1 m high.
Plant tuberose bulbs in spring when there is no longer any risk of frost. Plant them 2 to 4 inches deep and 6 to 8 inches apart in well-drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep the soil evenly moist before and during flowering in late summer.
When to grow agapanthus
These dramatic, sun-loving bedding plants produce large, spherical flower heads from mid-summer onwards, usually in beautiful shades of blue. They sway on tall stems above clumps of strap-shaped foliage.
Growing agapanthus from bulbs is a matter of preparation and timing. His bulbs shouldbe planted in springwhen there is no longer any danger of frost. Soil preparation is also crucial. The soil should be well-drained and the bulbs need full sun to thrive. Many varieties also thrive in containers.
Grow lily of the valley in March
Lily of the valley is a woodland plant with attractive green foliage and tiny, bell-shaped, white or pink flowers. It is a low-growing, spreading plant that appears in late spring year after year. The flowers are bell-shaped and appear in clusters on one side of a leafless stem and last for about three weeks. They are white or soft pink and they are famous for their fabulous scent. The leaves are at the base of the plant.
Since the flower bulbs have difficulty establishing themselves outdoors in cold, wet soil, they should first be planted in pots. Let them soak in water for half an hour and then plant them in individual pots until May, when they can be transplanted to their final location.
Also read:Storing spent flower bulbs: in the ground or digging up?