Which vegetables to plant in June? The best vegetables to extend the harvest until autumn!

Be it asparagus, cucumbers, beans, carrots, etc. – there is a lot to harvest in the vegetable garden from the end of May. But if you think that sowing and gardening are already over for the year, you are very much mistaken. All passionate gardeners know it - in order to continuously enjoy fresh, home-grown fruit and vegetables, you have to sow and replant regularly. Okay, so what's up now? WhichPlant vegetables in June? You'll be relieved to know that there are actually a variety of delicious vegetables that can now go into the vegetable patch. To save you some time, we have done some research for you and will explain below which vegetables you can still plant in June. Read on and have fun!

Growing our own fruits and vegetables continues to be one of the most importantGarden trends in summer 2023. If you want to extend the harvest season until autumn, you should definitely read on, because below we will tell you:which vegetablesYou can plant in June. Especially if you have a small garden and want to make the most of it, now is the time to get started with gardening.

Plant radishes in June

Whether in a salad, with creamy spreads or on their own as a crunchy, healthy snack - radishes are an integral part of our menu in the summer months and enrich our cuisine. Due to the short cultivation period, radishes are ready to harvest after around 4 weeks, making them a great vegetable to plant in June. In addition, you can easily grow radishes not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. Radishes like it sunny to partially shaded and a partially shaded place is particularly important in midsummer. Strong sunlight and summer heat alter the flavor and can cause radishes to sprout. Since radishes are poor feeders, avoid fertilizing the soil with minerals or too much fertilizer before growing them. Good neighbors for radishes include tomatoes, corn, carrots, beans, peas as well as kohlrabi and cabbage.

Grow potatoes

Many people think that you have to grow potatoes in the spring to get a harvest. But that's only halfway true, because depending on the variety, you can plant the vegetables in June. Potatoes prefer a bright and warm place and the soil should be light to medium heavy. To improve soil quality, you can use a natural fertilizer. For successful intercropping, combine potatoes with vegetables with lower nutrient requirements. Good neighbors for potatoes include spinach, kohlrabi, corn, onions, broad beans, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower and strawberries.

Plant broccoli in June

Full of nutrients, healthy and a real all-rounder in the kitchen - broccoli is another delicious vegetable that can be planted in June to extend the harvest until autumn. As a heavy feeder, broccoli thrives best in a sunny spot with a higher lime content and for this reason it is recommended to add algae lime to the soil. Broccoli's water requirements are quite high and you should water the vegetable regularly in summer. Good neighbors for broccoli are beets, celery, radishes, radishes, beans and chard.

Grow kale

Kale has become increasingly popular in recent years and can be found in many home gardens. The healthy vegetables are particularly easy to care for and therefore ideal for all gardening newbies. Kale grows best in a sunny to partially shaded location and prefers slightly alkaline soil with a pH between 6.5 and 8. To increase the pH and protect kale from clubroot, add some lime to the soil when planting floor. Good neighbors for kale are particularly strongly scented plants and herbs such as sage, dill, thyme, mugwort and tomatoes. Bad neighbors, on the other hand, are heavy feeders and other types of cabbage.

Grow leeks

Leeks, also known as leeks, are definitely one of the most popular types of winter vegetables. Who doesn't love a bowl of leek soup? And if you want to harvest the delicious spears in the fall, you should plant the vegetables in June. Leeks like it sunny, but can also grow in partial shade. For optimal growth, the soil should be moist and nutrient-rich, which is why you should incorporate some compost before growing. However, leeks take a lot of time and should definitely be prepared beforehand. A distinction is made between summer leeks and winter leeks. You should prefer summer leeks from February and winter leeks from March or April. Good neighbors for leeks include artichokes, cucumbers, fennel, kohlrabi, potatoes, carrots, radishes, spinach and tomatoes.

Which vegetables can you plant in June?

In addition to the ones mentioned above, there are also other vegetables that you can still plant in June. In order to extend your harvest until autumn, we have created a short list for you of which vegetables can go into the bed in June.

  • Carrots
  • radish
  • pumpkin
  • Rote Beth
  • Salads such as lettuce, lamb's lettuce and spinach
  • Cucumbers as young plants
  • Saddlery
  • savoy
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Rotkohl